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System Ascension Page 6

  Mark stood and snapped to attention, saluting Vale with his hand and his re-stiffening cock.

  “Commander Vale, there is a giant, salivating beast that needs slaying. We are awaiting your orders.”

  Roo giggled and stepped in line with Mark, mirroring his salute, and Ahnix joined in the game shortly after.

  Vale crossed her arms under her heavy tits and considered the plan of attack carefully. After a moment she pointed at Roo.

  “You, get those lips on my tits.”

  “Happy to, ma’am!” Roo called out and stepped over to the giant naga. The velvet-girl stood to the side and used both of her soft hands to firmly grasp one giant breast. Still standing, Roo wrapped her puffy, red lips around as much black nipple flesh as she could and began to suckle.

  While she worked, Vale turned her vivid eyes onto Mark and Ahnix still standing at attention.

  She pointed to Ahnix. “You. You are on clit duty.”

  Ahnix wordlessly broke the salute and sauntered her tight furry ass up to the giant naga. There, the cat-girl got on her knees and began to massage Vale’s humongous fleshy orb with her sleek-furred hands.

  “Mmm.” Vale’s eyes fluttered as both Roo and Ahnix did their best to follow orders. “Now you,” she said, looking at Mark. “Thrust that weapon of yours deep into the enemy.”

  “As you command,” Mark said seriously. Ahnix stepped to the side and pulled Vale’s massive pussy open as he approached. Mark grabbed the base of his rigid dick as he moved right into her warm folds. Ahnix continued to squeeze her engorged clitoris as Mark sunk his cock into Vale’s hot body. The giant naga had lowered herself to keep their genitals in line, but his face still only came up to her cleavage. Her smooth charcoal globes of flesh were two of his favorite things in the universe, so he didn’t mind burying his face between them.

  Mark reached his hands around Vale’s wide hips and pulled himself as close to her as he could, thrusting his dick deep up into her sopping wet pussy.

  With the three of them working her over, Vale quickly became lost under their well-practiced attention to erotic detail. Using the balls of his feet, Mark thrust his hips hard against her engorged pussy, while Ahnix’s warm, furry hands strangled her bulbous clit.

  As he fucked Vale standing up, Mark looked over at Roo and watched as the velvet-girl shut everything out but Vale’s enormous nipple. She had her black eyes closed and concentrated intently on pleasuring the giant naga’s tits. Through their bond, Mark could tell that Roo was reading Vale’s sensual feedback and adjusting her movements to fit her friend’s desires perfectly.

  Movement by his sagging balls pulled Mark’s attention to what Ahnix was doing. Vale’s eyes also shot open when she realized what was going on.

  With the fur on her fingers coated with slick, naga pussy juice, the cat-girl worked one, then two, then three fingers into her hole, under Mark’s dick.

  He could feel the sleek fur on her fingers rubbing on the bottom of his penis as he thrust in and out of Vale’s pussy. Not only that, Ahnix was pushing his cock up, stretching out Vale slightly and forcing his dick to rub in a particularly sensitive spot within the giant naga’s huge vagina.

  Vale tried to stay upright, but the intense pleasure wrecked her fine motor control, and all three of them followed her to the ground.

  “Stay strong, soldiers,” Mark said, straddling the giant naga. “The commander may be down, but we need to slay this beast.”

  Vale moaned as she wrapped one arm around Roo’s velvet back, pulling her tightly against her breast and used her tail to coil around Ahnix’s waist.

  “Deeper… Ahnix,” was all she could manage to say.

  Mark turned his head to see Ahnix crouching beside him. She was reaching around his leg with her fingers stuffed inside Vale. He was able to see her small mouth curl into a tiny smile before she leaned down and out of his line of sight, but there was no mystery to what the cat-girl was doing.

  Ahnix pressed her arm forward, and her entire furry hand slipped into Vale’s pussy along with his cock. Vale writhed in the grass and let out a low gurgling moan as Ahnix pushed further and grabbed onto Mark’s shaft.

  There she locked on and countered Mark’s movements as he thrust his dick deep. Ahnix was jerking him off inside Vale’s hot, slippery pussy and the giant naga’s breath caught in her throat as vibrant sexual pleasure consumed her. She really enjoyed being taken to her limits.

  Roo responded to Vale’s unspoken desires and began to tug at both her nipple rings while Ahnix and Mark pummeled her huge vagina. When Mark used his hands to massage her throbbing clit, Vale whimpered as she was brought to a powerful orgasm.

  Violent constrictions wracked Vale’s body and she clamped down on him with powerful spasms. Ahnix responded by stroking his dick more aggressively, using her strength to force her fist up the length of his shaft and against the walls of Vale’s muscular pussy.

  The giant naga whimpered with ecstasy as she came on Mark’s dick and Ahnix’s arm. The resulting transfer of essence crashed into Mark so hard, he instantly started pumping glob after glob of sperm into Vale, and he struggled to remain conscious.

  Essence felt so damn good.

  After they had twitched their last orgasmic twitch, Mark rolled off his giant naga and onto his back in the soft grass.

  Ahnix crawled up against his side and purred as she licked the sex juices off her damp, furry arm. Roo snuggled into Vale’s side and used her puffy lips to gently lay kisses all over Vale’s face as she recovered.

  They lounged in the lush grass of their front yard and snuggled into each other for a long time. Many things entered Mark’s mind while he quietly laid with his girls, the warm breeze caressing his skin, but nothing seemed more important than holding his beauties as close as he could.

  As Ahnix nuzzled into his neck, and Vale’s tail coiled around his feet, Mark drifted off into a light snooze under the invisible noonday sun.

  He awoke gradually to find Roo’s puffy lips gently kissing his forehead. He leaned his head back into the grass until his lips met hers, and he pulled her light, lithe body on top of his. Mark nibbled on her delicious lips and cupped her perfect little ass under her leather skirt as he rose through the silky layers of sleep and back up to fully conscious.

  Was that the best nap ever in the history of naps? He felt like a new man and smiled into Roo’s lips when he realized he was a new man.

  “What?” she said, pulling up.

  Mark gazed deep into her twinkling black eyes and sighed.

  “You’re just so great, is all.”

  “Be that as it may, it’s time to get up, sleepy- we’ve got a lot of work to do. I’d really like to get that quantum key.”

  Mark’s eyes lowered to Roo’s fabric neck, and he noticed that her own legendary key was missing. She had held on to that powerful object since the moment she stepped out of her home dimension. Did that mean she could no longer summon doors?

  “Roo,” he asked, “Where’s your key?”

  She sat up, straddling his hips and put a hand to her white neck. She sighed. “We aren’t really in The Crystal Heart, Mark. A lot will be different for all of us… at least for now.”

  “I’m learning that,” he said, sitting up himself. They both stood, and Mark walked over to the picket fence and gazed out into the stars. He always seemed to be learning how to play a new game.

  He felt Roo step up next to him and loop her soft arm through his.

  “I know. We’re in yet another game,” she said, reading his thoughts.

  “Speaking of which, I still have questions.”

  The velvet-girl turned her black eyes on his. “Shoot.”

  “Do I get to level my skills now that I get essence?” Now that he thought about it, he focused inward and attempted to summon his skills menu. To his surprise, there were more skills.

  He locked his eyes on Roo. “I have something called Ghost, or Address Mask. And under that is a grey word, different than the
rest. ‘Retaliate’. What does all this mean? Why don’t I see any essence points? Why would you guys program unlockable skills at all and not let us have them from the start?”

  Roo put her hand on his arm and spoke softly.

  “Slow down. I’ll try to fill in as best I can. First, we had to work with The Crystal Heart program files to stitch together this perception wrap. Certain rules had to be followed or the ambitious program stopped working. Even if we had more skill or time, this very familiar environment was the perfect starting place for your specific mind to adjust to your new existence.

  “Second, you are learning actual AI skills and functions as you experience your new universe. Your unconscious mind interfaces with the wrap and feeds you new abilities gradually. The names and special effects don’t really matter, it’s all just an illusion of what is really happening with code and data processing.

  “Third, Ahnix, Vale, and I are forced to get our skills the same way. As you know, as Collectors, we get skill unlocks and upgrades from just using our abilities. Make sense?”

  Mark shook his head. “You guys are so far beyond me. Why limit yourselves by coming in here with me?” But he knew the answer before she said it.

  “Because, Mark, besides the obvious all-consuming need to be near you… Together, we can do anything.”

  Mark smiled then puffed out a deep breath. He was going to get his mind around this thing that was around his mind. He was going to make his girls proud. He pulled open his skills menu again, and the black, translucent screen hovered in his vision.


  Heal (Restore)

  Enhance (Prioritize)

  Ghost (Address Mask)



  He wanted to finally read a detailed information prompt or some kind of instructions as to what these skills did, but nothing seemed to happen when he focused on their names.

  “Is there a reason I can’t see what these do or am I just stupid?”

  Roo shook her head, and the light lilac hair that framed her perfect face bounced with her.

  “Unfortunately, parts of the code were smashed up by Sasha- or whatever took her place, and we couldn’t get it working before you entered the system with us. We actually gave up on the frustrating skill description code quickly. None of this is real, remember. It’s more like we are dreaming… Anyway, it was Vale’s idea that we learn our abilities as you had when you were blinded to them. Turns out we may be able to invent new processes and functions that way. The more we use the wrap, the more optimized the interaction will be.”

  “So… we do stuff, fight things, and we all interface with the wrap better- but I need to fuck you to get access to what I learned?”

  “Yup, exactly!” she said, happy he was getting it.

  Mark had been eating crazy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a long time, and with practiced skill, he put any remaining questions he had on the back burner. He accepted everything as it was and let a new confidence wash over him. Not knowing how skills worked? Pfft. He was the expert. Working with his girls to take out the bad guys and then working them over afterward? Check. She was right; there was nothing they couldn’t do together.

  He closed his menu with a thought and targeted Roo’s pelvis with a heal. Nothing happened, and his brow furrowed.

  Her black eyes followed his focus and tilted her head down toward her crotch.

  “What’cha doin’?” the masked girl asked, slight concern in her voice.

  Mark ignored her and focused on his healing ability. It seemed as if he needed her to be damaged before he could use it. His spirits sunk a little. Did that mean he wouldn’t be able to warm their genitals with his magic touch anymore?


  Mark steeled his mind and really concentrated. She just got through telling him that it was like they were dreaming, and they should use their abilities as they saw fit. It wasn’t easy the first time either, but the harsh game world of The Crystal Heart had forced Mark to probe the limits of his abilities with every fiber of his being, death after death.

  He focused his train of thought into a narrow beam and willed his heal to gain a second function. Nothing happened, but he continued to push, searching his mind for the correct path… he already fucking knew how to do this.

  Then he felt the telltale snap behind his eyes. Mark’s palms began to emit a beam of golden light, and with a devilish grin, he turned them on Roo.

  As soon as the warm torrents of energy hit the velvet-girl, she practically melted. Roo brought her soft hands up to rub all over her body as Mark bathed her in ecstasy.

  “You’re soo good at thisss...” she spoke slowly, sliding one of her fabric hands down to lift her skirt. Mark kept the high beams on as he took her all in. The thigh-high black boots stopped, and her white, velvet skin took over, meeting right at her red pussy lips and small, purple clitoris.

  Mark angled his hands and focused all of his energy on her little, sensitive nub.

  Roo’s eyes closed and she let out a low moan, but that only encouraged him to push the beam harder. To his surprise, there seemed to be no end to this power. Did the restoration ability work the same way? Thinking back to when he beamed the damaged bits of code back to them, he couldn’t remember if there was a cooldown or not.

  His excitement grew, and the level of intensity increased. Roo’s knees started to spasm as he forced an orgasm out of her without even touching her. She looked at Mark through squinting eyes with awe and confusion.

  After a few seconds of overstimulating torment, he canceled the ability. Roo steadied herself by leaning on the fence and tried to catch her breath.

  “Mark, I… goodness,” she stammered.

  “I think I’m getting the hang of this,” he said, opening his menu again.


  Heal (Restore)

  ~ Stimulate (Node excitement)

  Enhance (Prioritize)

  Ghost (Address Mask)



  “I now have an ability called, Stimulate- and it seems to have limitless node excitement potential!”

  “We gotta show the others,” Roo said, bouncing from toe to toe. “Vale was right all along.”

  “What are they doing in there?” Mark asked, looking back toward the house. Roo took his hand and pulled him toward the front door.

  “Checking our hardwired interfaces. Come on, I’ll show you.”

  The impossibly large house loomed over them until they were back inside. The door closed behind him, and Mark didn’t notice that much of a change to the layout… that was, until he looked right, into the map room.

  Through the open doorway, he saw rows upon rows of bookshelves.

  “We have a library now?” he asked, and she led him that way.

  “Yeah, this is how we access practical information within the wrap. You know, like how many teeth sharks have and stuff.”

  Mark smiled at the back of Roo’s head. Was she studying sharks? The inside of the library was humongous and reminded Mark of the empty one they had encountered on their first journey into this dimension. But a big difference (besides being filled with hundreds of books) was the massive skylight spilling light from the non-existent sun down on them. The center was an open area with a large table in the middle, and this is where Vale was coiled, a book in her hand.

  She looked up and put a hand on her ample, silver-scaled hip. “Have a nice nap, you two?”

  Roo just turned to Mark with a smirk twisting the corner of her beautiful lips.

  “Hit her.”

  - 6 -

  It wasn’t easy at first, but Mark was able to relocate the correct mental path and focus a Stimulate beam on Vale’s stomach. The toned muscles under her smooth skin constricted when the golden light struck her abdomen, and she sucked in a sharp breath. Mark kept the beam on her as he walked forward. He imagined the power intensifying with every step, and the sensual light obeyed his command.

  By the time he
placed his hand on Vale’s stomach, she doubled over and absentmindedly tugged at one of her fat nipples through her silky, hot-pink top. He triggered a solid orgasm and then canceled his ability.

  “Flames burn me- you learn fast…” she said, panting.

  Mark nodded, confidence oozing from him. “I’m ready to do this.”

  “Good,” Vale began, flipping her long white hair back over her shoulder. “The library works, by the way.”

  Mark turned to the wooden table and picked up a brown book that was sitting by the edge. He waved it in the air when he spoke.

  “So, can I download a bunch of skills instantly? Like… I dunno, computer programming?”

  “Yes, but not instantly,” she said. “Open that book and think of a question.”

  Mark looked down at the non-descript book in his hands. There was no title or lettering anywhere on the brown fabric binding. He orientated the book the correct way and flipped it open. The pages were all blank.

  “Oh, magic book,” he began, with a dramatic wizardly flourish, “why is Vale so damned beautiful?”

  Mark looked down for the answer and saw pictures of green valleys scroll past. The definition of Vale, as a landform, was written with paragraphs of supplemental text. Roo stepped up next to him and peeked over his shoulder, but he could feel her mild disappointment when the data there wasn’t about their giant naga friend.

  “This is neat,” he said, looking up. “Informative. But, I have to actually read it?”

  “Your consciousness is operating at nearly one hundred trillion operations per second,” Vale said. “You can’t write to your memory any faster.”

  Mark handed the book to the giant naga. “Makes sense. Alright, what’s the next step to getting that quantum key?”

  “I’ve traced some information that leads to a hub of sorts. An anonymous meeting point where AIs exchange information.”

  “Information is like gold here,” Roo added next to him.

  Vale nodded. “Only if it’s unique. And an entangled encryption set is the definition of unique.”

  “Do we have any valuable information for trade?” Mark said as he looked around the library- as if he would see a golden book or something.