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System Ascension Page 5

  To his right, Roo lifted a velvet finger and pointed at the size-enhanced vulture struggling to recover from Vale’s attack, and his entire body was consumed with flames. The massive creature writhed in pain as parts of him slowly turned to ash while the other eight bird-men rushed around him and directly into Vale.

  Ahnix dashed to stand by the giant naga’s side as an enormous glass square appeared in front of them both. Some of the vulture creatures slashed at the transparent wall with their talons while others surged around the sides.

  Ahnix dodged out to meet the ones on the right, and she swiped one of her claws across the body of the first attacker. Not only did her target vaporize into digital static and vanish, arcs of silver energy flared outwards and damaged at least three others behind him.

  Distracted by their new abilities, Vale missed one of the numerous loathsome vulture men outflanking her shield. Its vicious claw-attack raked three bloody lines on her arm, and she cried out in pain. Mark began to run forward, intending to fight back with his fists, when he felt portions of his giant naga enter his body like he was collecting her essence- but this was different. It felt as if he was storing the parts of her that were damaged within himself. His attention was pulled to Ahnix, who hissed when she took a claw to her side.

  A surge of rage washed over Mark. He felt as helpless as he was when he first met his bad-ass desert queen. With severely focused intent, he activated his enhance ability on Ahnix and attempted to give her everything he had.

  And that’s exactly what happened. All of the strength in Mark’s body pooled in his chest a moment before bursting out and racing along their bond. The ethereal tether that always kept them linked became a tangible surge of golden power, and Ahnix let out a raw scream of barely contained pleasure.

  Mark dropped to his knees and through the gray haze pressing in on the edges of his vision, he saw his treasured cat-girl pulse out a single wave of vibrant energy into the air around her before she became a blur of black and gold.

  Ahnix was now a killing machine, swiftly sending out a flurry of Wind Claw attacks into the vile creatures assaulting their home. Vale shifted the location of her shield and used another Power Fist to manipulate the enemy’s position. Working together, Vale and Ahnix were making quick work of the vulture men.

  The golden ribbon of power remained connected to Ahnix as she moved, and Mark turned his eyes to the tail end of the stream. The river of energy faded out just before it reached his heart, and he knew that if he didn’t stop feeding her all of his strength, he was going to seriously damage himself.

  Sucking in a shuddering breath, the energy he had lent Ahnix surged back along their bond and into his body. He didn’t feel like he was going to die anymore.

  The two remaining attackers saw the dangerous foe lose her edge and surged forward, raking another huge gash in Ahnix’s arm. Mark felt more of her health collect within him- and he realized that the space he had was limited.

  Wounded but enraged, Ahnix destroyed the remaining attackers with her claws as Mark surged forward to help in any way he could. Behind her, the lead vulture-man that had been frozen by Roo’s black eye-beam began to move again.

  The creature took one step before Roo engulfed him with the flames of her Slow Burn ability. His dirty black feathers gradually began to turn to ash while he screamed- but before he was utterly consumed, all the attackers simply vanished.

  Mark reached Vale and Ahnix and held out both arms toward them. He activated his healing, and their backup data stored within him began to stream out from his fingers and into his girls. Both sucked in quick breaths as ripples of ecstasy reverberated back along their bond.

  As soon as the transfer was complete, he began to laugh.

  “I’m glad I can still tickle your lady bits with my magic powers.”

  Vale turned her vivid eyes down on him and smiled. “That went much better than I expected.”

  Roo’s velvet arms enveloped Mark in a surprise attack hug and pressed her lithe body against his.

  “Did you see that paralyzing eye-beam!”

  “Yeah,” Mark said. “We’ve got some new abilities to figure out.”

  He pressed his lips to her velvet forehead just below her feathered lilac hair and breathed her in. As crazy as everything was that just happened, he felt… right. His girls were connected, nearby, and everything felt as it should.

  Vale crossed her arms under her massive tits and turned toward Ahnix.

  “We got lucky with your delete ability. Wind Slash has a nice medium range.”

  Just when Mark was starting to get the hang of what was going on, the giant naga had to go ahead and say something that didn’t make any damn sense. What did luck have to do with anything?

  It was time to get some answers.

  As he gently pulled away from Roo, his inner turmoil vibrated out and caught their attention. Mark opened his mouth to let out the countless questions he had rattling around in his mind- but his voice caught in his throat. Maybe it was because he didn’t know where to even begin, or maybe it was the way his loves had their absurdly beautiful eyes locked on his, but either way, he just pulled Roo in closer instead. Ahnix and Vale moved in to join their bodies to the group, and their combined closeness made Mark shudder with contentment.

  He noticed that the white wooden fence beyond had magically reverted to its original, pristine state. A warm breeze buffeted the vibrant green blades of grass of their front lawn and caused the tire swing to lazily spin on its thick rope. It was as if nothing had happened. Mark sighed as he gazed out into the star-flecked cosmos beyond.

  “Okay,” Mark said and pulled away from their embrace. “Please follow me.”

  Mark led his girls over to the tree stretching upward toward the void of outer space above them, and then he sat down in the soft grass below its ample, leafy shade. Ahnix joined him in a similar cross-legged position to his right, Roo knelt with her long legs tucked to the side on his left, and Vale lowered herself to her stomach in front of him, her long snake half stretched out behind her. His eyes were drawn to the portion of her iridescent scaled tail that made it past the shade and out into the warm sunlight. Calm patience radiated out of his girls, and he was eternally grateful for them.

  “Thank you all for coming,” Mark started, cordially. “So, let’s start with who the fuck were those vulture guys?”

  Vale answered. “Those were visceral representations of outside threats to our home system. The most likely motivation is to take control of our hardware. Transferring your mind here put a big target on us for a while. The file was enormous.”

  Roo put a soft hand on his knee. “They are violent snails looking for a pretty new shell to live in. It’s a free-for-all out there.”

  Mark nodded. “This perception filter thing is complicated, but I think I’m getting it. It’s augmented reality or something. Why are you all surprised by the abilities, um- here, and how was luck involved? Didn’t you guys make this… these magic glasses?”

  Vale answered again. “Well, as far as we know, nothing like this has been attempted before. Wrapping your mind in a filter made sense, but Ahnix was the one to suggest we all get in with you.” Mark looked over to his half-lidded cat-girl while Vale continued. “It was brilliant, actually. It allowed us to truly connect as we had been within the game world proper. The tradeoff is that our conscious minds are in here with you, and the wrap is regulated with… our collective unconscious minds- It’s hard to explain, but we don’t really have direct control of how interactions are represented.”

  He was still staring into Ahnix’s exotic eyes, trying to process what Vale was saying when the cat-girl put it as clearly as she could.

  “We invented a revolutionary system from modified sex game code that allows a human mental pattern to interface with the world of digital entities. Bow before the might of our intellect.”

  Mark gave her a wide grin and pulled her furry hand to his lips. He bent his head down and solemnly kissed
her fingers. He looked up and pulsed out love to them all.

  “So, I’m digital now? An AI?”

  “Yep!” Roo said from his other side.

  “Well…” Vale said. “The definition of artificial intelligence might not fit you, might not fit any of us really. You are now more post-biological intelligence, and we are organically-formed digital consciousness… but this is all semantics. Regardless of how we got here, we are now all technically entities of pure energy living in a computer.”

  His brow furrowed. “What happened to my… old body?” An icy chill cascaded over Mark as he imagined what it would be like sitting there and hearing nothing from his girls- because he was already here.

  Vale and Roo exchanged uneasy glances, but Ahnix just gave it to him straight.

  “As soon as your mind was transferred safely across the net and back over to your apartment, we stopped your real heart. Your organic body is dead.”

  Mark swallowed as a primal fear gripped his gut.

  “More like dying,” Ahnix amended, shrugging her golden-furred shoulders. “We are experiencing reality at a much faster rate than before.” Ahnix tilted her head, and her straight hair swung slightly forward. “What did you expect would happen?”

  The velvet-girl scooted closer to him and reached out through their bond to comfort him. Her black eyes met his, and she wordlessly lent him her contentment. A gentle breeze fluttered her hair, and he was surrounded by her floral scent for a moment.

  Ahnix had a point- what did he expect would happen? He took a deep breath and shook it off. This is what he wanted. Vale had been quiet for a while, and he found her eyes with his.

  “Right. On to the crazy spaceship plan.” He paused. “How hard would it be to tack on destroying that animal-like AI? The one controlling those military drones?”

  The giant naga’s chiseled face went from slack to smirk over the course of several seconds. She was in, but Mark knew she would be.

  “We are the saviors, after all,” Roo said next to him.

  The giant naga shrugged her charcoal shoulders. “Both end goals become much more possible if we follow our original plan. Once we have a working nano factory and fusion power…” She paused to wrinkle her perfect nose. “We could do a lot of damage on our way out.”

  “Ooohh,” Roo said like she just creamed her skirt. “The biggest concentration is that bot factory, Coventry Industries. I would love to blow that thing-” she looked over at Mark before she finished. “-up,” she said, her lips making an exaggerated popping noise.

  Ahnix was nodding slowly as she worked out the details in her mind, but Mark could feel a hint of worry coming from her. He sent her a tiny pulse along their bond, and her large eyes snapped up to meet his.

  The cat-girl sighed. “It might be impossible to get every scrap of this virus out of every corner, but we can certainly do considerable damage.”

  Vale pushed off the ground, her heavy tits swaying as she moved.

  “The plan is as follows,” the giant naga said, entering commander mode. “Our primary objective is defense. We need to go out into the net and acquire a quantum entangled lock-and-key set. This upgrade will make attacks on our home much more difficult and is the clear place to start.

  “The two secondary objectives are fusion power plant schematics and physically relocating at least one thousand working Wi-Fi nanites to Mark’s apartment.”

  Mark tilted his head back and looked up through the tree spreading out over him, catching glimpses of chromatic nebulae hanging suspended in the vastness stretching over his head. But all of this was contained within the hardware still sitting in his apartment.

  “Guys…” Mark began, worry dripping from his voice. “What happens if someone- or something, cuts the power out there?”

  Ahnix answered. “The current theory is that we’d all die as if frozen to death.”

  “You can see why getting the fusion reactor going is important,” Vale interjected.

  “And we need the nanites to even build that, right?” he asked.

  “Yes,” both Roo and Vale answered at the same time.

  Mark’s brow furrowed for the hundredth time today. “Then how do we get the nanites here?”

  Ahnix smiled, exposing her tiny fangs and hitched a furry thumb over her shoulder. “I hardcoded four drone control pods inside the house.”

  Vale took over again. “We will need to locate and operate some sort of drone to carry the nanites back here.”

  “And they can be difficult to control,” Ahnix added.

  Mark nodded. Things were making a kind of sense he could follow. Sort of. He rubbed his hands against his eyes and realized for the first time that he was no longer wearing his Lover Class ring. He was still wearing the same upgraded, sharp black clothing he had been, but no heart ring. Now that he was focused on it, he really didn’t have any essence pools either. Just those odd and slightly morbid backup caches for healing.

  “Are… you guys no longer my Enthralled?”

  - 5 -

  Vale used her hands to walk her body toward him, and her massive snake half flattened the grass as she moved. Her large, violet eyes were close to his and when she put her hand on his currently flaccid junk, his confusion seemed less pressing. A smile grew on her lips as the warmth from her slowly caressing hand encouraged him to stiffen.

  “Master,” she said in a low, playful voice. “The rules of that universe have changed. While it is true, we are no longer your Enthralled…”

  “You are ours,” Ahnix finished as she gracefully stood up in one motion.

  Mark’s mouth opened and closed while his mind locked up, again, strangled by the sheer number of equally important questions that needed to come out first.

  “What?” was all he was able to say before Vale took her hand off his growing erection and worked a finger under his waistband.

  Roo put a soft hand on his shoulder while Vale’s fingers crept down to envelop his cock inside his pants, skin to skin. The velvet-girl pressed close to his side and whispered directly into his ear.

  “Someone had to be- or the hacked code wouldn’t run…”

  Vale used her other hand to tug his waistband down a little, and he noticed Ahnix bending over to peel the tight leather shorts off her muscular ass.

  “Help me with your pants, master?” Vale asked, tugging again at his waistband. He lifted his ass up off the grass. He was their Enthralled?

  “This way makes sense for many reasons,” Ahnix said, sitting back down fully nude. “But just because we could was the main one.”

  Vale tossed his pants over her shoulder and leaned in to firmly grab the base of his cock.

  Ahnix put her hands in the lush grass behind her back, unfolded her powerful legs and hooked them over Mark’s thighs. She ended up pressing her warm, furry pussy against the head of his swollen penis. Vale tightened her grip slightly as Roo quickly spun to come in from the other side, lacing one slender leg under one of Ahnix’s furry ones. Vale let go of his shaft as Roo’s velvet pussy lips crushed up against Ahnix’s stubbly ones and they began to grind Mark’s cock between them. Mark let out a long sigh as he laid back into the soft grass, and Vale slithered around the tangle of woven legs to reach him.

  She lowered herself so one of her enormous black nipples was pressed against his lips, and he eagerly began to rub his open mouth over her sensitive flesh.

  “Besides, master,” she began. “As an Enthralled tied to three Collectors, you’ll collect three times the essence.”

  Mark was about to question the need for experience points, and a few other things... But his mind blanked when Ahnix pushed too hard, and the tip of his dick popped into her slippery vagina. The slick warmth that enveloped his head traveled up his spine and sent bolts of ecstasy into his gut. Roo wouldn’t be outdone, however, and slid her pussy up against his shaft, forcing it into her soaked velvet folds instead.

  Their slippery lips smeared around his cock as they fought for control over t
he tip and it drove him wild.

  While the battle on his dick heated up, the giant naga wrapped her tongue around the nipple he was suckling, and they both teamed up on the sensitive black flesh.

  Reading his giant naga’s mood, Mark reached out with one of his hands and took hold of the nipple ring in the other hanging breast. His tugging and twisting caused Vale to pull her tongue in and moan. Princess Vale’s pleasant voice made all her sexual cries that much more wonderful in his ears.

  Ahnix and Roo continued to smash their clits together right over the tip of his head, and the warm writhing pile of pure slippery ecstasy reached its peak. Roo popped first, and it was spectacular.

  For Mark, it was as if someone set off a hot explosion of mind-liquefying pleasure, right next to his cock. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as tingling power entered his body through his penis.

  “Here- you need to bite down on something, master!” Vale said, shoving her black nipple into his mouth. Mark took a deep breath through his nose and closed his teeth on Vale’s sensitive rubbery flesh.

  When Ahnix’s muscular pussy began to clench against his cock, and another explosion of ecstasy assaulted every corner of his being, Mark bit down on Vale’s nipple and came so hard that he shot a load up into the leaves above them.

  The giant naga practically growled with pleasure as his jaw locked up from the intense energies pulsing through his body.

  Ahnix and Roo untangled their legs while Vale pulled her nipple out of Mark’s mouth. His girls stood over him while he recovered his ability to form rational thoughts again. A grin spread across his lips as Mark began to chuckle.

  “So, you three are the Collectors now?”

  “Yep,” Roo said with a bright smile. “Make us cum, get our collected essence.”

  Mark sat up, and his mind filled with questions again, but the hungry sensation that throbbed from Vale’s drooling pussy and engorged clitoris altered his priorities.