Enthralled: Book 1: The Crystal Heart Page 8
Her little pussy was sopping wet from her cum, and his rock hard dick slipped in and out with ease.
Again, sooner than he expected, she held her breath and buried her face back into the mattress. Her whole body was wracked with small convulsions, and she came again all over his hard cock. He slowed his movements down again to give her time to catch her breath.
After a few more thrusts she pulled her legs up and her pussy away from his cock. It slurped out into the relatively cool air, completely covered with her pussy juice.
He waited on his knees wondering what she was doing. Ahnix rolled off the mattress on to her knees and turned, so she was facing him.
She pointed to the place her head had been buried in the mattress and said, "Lay down."
He obeyed and laid on his back where she had been on her stomach a moment ago.
Ahnix quickly shifted sideways, lifting a fury thigh over his face and planted her dripping, wet pussy right on his mouth.
She reached down, grabbed the base of his cock and began to suck her own pussy juice off his dick. Mark opened his mouth to suck on her furry, wet vagina and found that her pussy tasted like some savory spice he couldn’t put his finger on. He rubbed his lips all over it, lapping up her delicious juices.
Her puckered pink asshole was right on his nose, and he took a moment to lick that as well. She moaned softly with his dick in her small mouth. He was slightly worried about her needle-sharp teeth and fangs, but she seemed to know what she was doing.
She wrapped one of her furry hands around his shaft and brought her nose down to touch her fingers. She used her warm hand and her hot mouth to engulf his cock in never-ending pleasure. He felt like he was close to coming and started to suck on her clit in response. The frantic moans vibrating his dick while her lips were wrapped around it sent him over the edge, and he shot his load into her mouth. She eagerly slurped up and swallowed every drop.
He wasn't done with her yet, though. He could sense she was close to orgasm number three and redoubled his efforts alternating between sucking on and flicking her clit with his tongue. He took his arms and wrapped them up over her thick thighs and pressed her pussy down harder on his face. His nose ended up inside her asshole, and his tongue found its way deep into her exquisite pussy. No wonder she wanted to lick her own cum off of his dick, it was intoxicatingly delicious.
Her body was wracked with another orgasm, and her spasming pussy slid all over his face.
She got up after she stopped shaking, turned around again and got on top of him, aligning her face with his.
Her body was an interesting combination of hard and soft. Firm, sleek muscles wrapped tightly in short, soft fur. And her warmth. Every part of her was warm to the touch.
She looked him right in the eye, then closed hers, and began to kiss and lick her pussy juice off his face, purring slightly as she did so. They kissed for what seemed like a long time.
Afterward, she snuggled into his side with her head in his armpit, and an arm and leg draped across him.
"Mark?" she asked quietly in his ear.
"Mmm?" he responded, his eyes closed. Sleep was tugging at him. He always felt like sleeping after cumming.
"Since you didn't pick my upgrade I took that to mean I should choose for myself."
Mark opened his eyes and considered what she had just said. Was he missing something? How was he supposed to pick her upgrade? Maybe this had to do with Sasha 'removing all interface menus'. He really didn't know what that meant, but he seemed to be getting by fine without them. He decided to try and use this to his advantage. Isn’t that what smart people did- turn their weakness to their advantage?
"You are your own person, and you know yourself best. I trust you to pick whatever you want."
She was quiet for a while, but a shift in her mood caught his attention, and he looked down at her.
Ahnix was crying.
"Hey-hey-hey, what's wrong?" He asked, concern in his voice.
"It's just... You are nothing like I have ever experienced." She sat up and turned her large wet eyes down on his. Mark met her gaze and took his cue to remain silent again.
"Before... when I was enthralled to Prince Amenophis and part of the royal court, I was never treated like this. He was young and ordered me to do all sorts of things to him and demanded to do all sorts of things to me. He determined my skills, my meals, the clothes I wore... Everything. I figured all Enthralled were treated this way, and that I should just feel privileged to be part of a noble house. He was a fighter class, only allowed to have one bond. The two of us would fight deadly monsters, and we were unstoppable. One day, exploring a ruined temple in the northern jungle, he spotted a panther-woman with massive breasts and decided, after seven years... based on the size of my chest alone, that I was unfit to serve him or to retain a mind of my own. He disavowed me on the spot to make room for her. I was reduced to a mindless beast for time immeasurable.
She tilted her head down, and her straight, black hair slid forward again just the way he liked. Mark reached under her small furry chin and tilted her face back up to meet his eyes and then began to slowly caress her beasts with his knuckles.
"Ahnix, as long as you fight with me and not against me I will do everything I can to protect you. You've already saved my life at least twice in one day. Consider yourself irreplaceable."
He paused, making sure she understood. Then he looked down at her nipples. "And I think these perky little tits suit your sleek and toned body perfectly. I would never change a thing."
Her large eyes brimmed over with tears and then lunged at him, pressing her warm, furry body against his and wrapped her arms around his broad chest in a fierce hug. He held her until it seemed like she had regained most of her composure.
"So, what upgrade did you pick?" he asked.
She lifted her head off of his chest, and he saw her small, frowny, catlike mouth almost curl into a smile.
"Doom Kick."
- 6 -
They slept the rest of the day and woke up when the sun set. Ahnix shredded a clean, white sheet with her sharp claws and tightly wrapped her chest and crotch in the familiar mummy fashion. Mark found a canvas bag and tossed in a few of the non-carrots, (Ahnix called them Dorns) and found two large waterskins to fill with water from the well. He also requisitioned a second sheet to use over his head.
Ahnix showed him a handful of silver coins she said she found in the pants of the severed legs they had seen earlier. Mark shrugged and slipped them into his pocket. After they had gathered everything useful they could find, he put his sheet on and tied an extra strip of cloth around it like a headband. They were ready to go.
Ahnix told him they should head north until they found the Vull, a wide river that ran from the jungles beyond the desert down to the ocean. She told him if there were any settlements, they would find them along its fertile banks.
They marched through the shifting sand for hours, trudging up and down the windswept dunes, and Mark hated every minute of it.
As they were walking, he noticed a large, sandstone outcropping that time and erosion had shaped to sort of look like a bird. The bright moon above them in the sky coated its wings with a silver radiance, and the stone bird looked like it was about to leap up to the heavens. It gave Mark an idea.
"Hey Ahnix, why are we walking like chumps?"
She stopped and looked back at him. "Like what?" she asked, confused.
He caught up to her and stopped as well. "Can't you just teleport us a mile at a time like before when you saved us from those weird lighting beetles in the pyramid?"
"Normally, I can only move thirty yards or so. You hit me with a powerful enhancement, remember?"
"I could always hit you again." He raised an eyebrow, suggestively and held out his ring.
"I'm not a horse, Mark."
"Okay... How about I make you a deal. You take us on one ride, right now, and I'll never ask you to frivolously do it again, and, as an added bonus, I'll l
et you ride me anytime you like."
She studied him for a while and then moved in close until her tiny cat nose was almost touching his.
"Hit me."
Mark wrapped his hands around her thin waist and placed his lips on hers. They kissed under the silver moon, surrounded by endless desert dunes. He tried to split his attention between her furry lips and figuratively making love to her teleport ability.
Her breath caught, and she pressed her tight body harder against him, absorbing the pleasurable energy. When it was over, she let out the breath she was holding and twirled around him, spinning him, so he was facing back the way they came while pointing herself in their intended direction. He could clearly see the stone bird close by, bathed in moonlight.
She looked far into the distance behind him and squinted. Without any real warning, his body experienced the sensation of turning inside-out again.
A rush of landscape and poof, there they were.
Except, based on the distance of the bird-looking stone, it seemed like they only traveled about one-hundred yards or so. Not anywhere near the same jump as before.
Ahnix took a step back and put her hands on her hips. "That wasn't a powerful enhancement."
Mark looked down at his heart-shaped ring and thought back to the other night in the pyramid. At the time, he had thought he was going to die- that they both were going to die. He had poured everything he had left, and then some, into helping her escape.
This experiment taught him a few things about his abilities; he could control their power level, his mental state and willpower affected their intensity, and if he could infuse her with pleasure while kissing... what would happen if he focused a full combo on her most sensitive of areas while he was fucking her? He would have to try that one later.
"Sorry about that,” Mark said. “Still getting the hang of this thing. Actually, I think this was a really useful test. I need to learn how to control my abilities, for both our sake's. Thank you for playing along."
She looked at him with her small frown and nodded. "Let's get moving."
Ahnix spun around on one padded foot and started marching north, her tail swaying back and forth with the sway of her hips. Mark sighed and willed his feet to plod in the sand after her.
Morning came and went, and they decided to press on instead of resting during the blazing daytime hours. Without shade to take shelter from the burning ball in the azure sky it didn't make much sense to just plop down in the sweltering hot sand and wait for night. The sun didn't seem to bother Ahnix, and if it did, she hid her discomfort well.
As they continued to move north, the dunes grew smaller, and Mark started to see more dead shrubs and cacti than he had in the endless expanse of desolate sand behind them. He tried to ration the water sparingly, but they were going to run out eventually. By mid-afternoon, they were walking on dry, cracked dirt, and his aching calf muscles were glad to leave the rolling dunes behind.
There were only a few hours of sunlight left in the day when they came to a wide trench that looked like a massive, dried-up riverbed. Ahnix stopped when they reached it.
"So, this is what became of the mighty Vull..." She sounded distant as she looked out over the dry, cracked dirt. Mark put a hand on her shoulder, and she quickly turned to scan the landscape around them.
"I'm not sure which way to go,” she said. “Staying along the riverbed is still the best course as this couldn't have happened overnight. There are bound to be some signs of life still..." She looked back over the desolate scar that she thought held clear, rushing waters. He could tell this missing river shook her up a little.
"East towards the jungle or west towards the ocean?" she asked, turning back to him again.
Mark thought about it for a moment. "Jungle means trees, and trees mean shade. Also, we'll need water soon. Drinkable water. Hard to find that in the ocean. I vote Jungle."
She looked at him, turned to the right and started to walk along the edge of the riverbed. Mark shrugged and followed her.
They walked for a while in silence. Mark was studying the way her sleek muscles played under the black fur on her calves and almost ran into her when she stopped. She looked back to get his attention and then pointed at something in the distance.
Far up, on the other side of the dry riverbed, was what looked like a wooden structure, like a wall.
"Finally a town! We could sure use a rest," Mark said, putting his hands on his knees. They had been walking for almost twenty-four hours straight. Hopefully, they would find more than monsters and dust. They crossed the dry riverbed and headed toward the distant structure.
It was twilight when they approached the large gate in a wall of sharpened logs. The cut trees were lined up, close together, with the clear intention of keeping things out. On the right side of the gate was a wooden watchtower that looked empty. They could also see streams of smoke rising from behind the wall signaling campfires, or something like them. The smell of wood smoke and livestock was almost overwhelming after the dry emptiness of the desert behind them.
Mark and Ahnix were nearing the gate when a colorful bolt of light whizzed right between their heads like a bullet. It came from the watchtower, which was now occupied by a shadowy figure.
"Whoa!" Mark put his hands up. "Don't shoot! We come in peace."
Ahnix was not one to stand around for a second shot. She instantly teleported to whoever was shooting at them and extended one razor sharp claw against their throat.
"Put the weapon down," she growled into their attacker’s ear.
He looked like a young man in this twenties, dressed in a similar protective cloth Mark himself was wearing. He did not lower his weapon. Mark thought she was going to rip his throat out when he heard shouting from behind the gate, just before it swung open.
Standing there was an older man who looked way more relaxed than the sniper in the tower.
Mark could see into the town past the older man as the gate swung open fully. Behind him was a mess of colorful tents, goats, children and other adults. The people closest to the wall started to converge on the gate to see who or what was approaching their protective walls.
The older man was wearing a brown vest over his brown skin. He had flowing, white pants with a bright red cloth tied around his waist like a belt. He studied Mark for a moment then nodded his head up at Ahnix and the young man.
"Order your beast to disengage," he projected his voice loudly at Mark.
Mark put his hands down, looked up at his enthralled cat-girl and spoke just as loudly as the old man.
"That dangerously beautiful creature up there is Ahnix, Noble Queen of the Desert. And she takes orders from no one." Mark shifted his gaze to the eyes of the old man. He could tell there was wisdom there. He continued, loudly, "Your man shot at us first. Give me your word you won't attack us again, and we will have no reason to harm you or any of your people."
"What do you want from us?" the old man asked.
"We have a few silver coins we can trade for water and food. If you have any work for the adventuring sort, we'd like to help."
The man at the gate considered Mark's words carefully and then called out to the young man in the watchtower, "Lower your weapon, Son. They mean us no harm."
For a heartbeat, it looked like he wasn't going to listen, but then he lowered what looked like a small crossbow down to his side. Ahnix pulled her hand away from the young man and stepped back, but kept a close watch for any sudden moves.
Mark walked up to the older man and extended his hand out to him.
"I'm Mark."
The older man clasped his rough and weathered hand around Mark's and squeezed firmly.
"Donovan." he said, and then nodded to the tower again and said, "The trigger-happy one is Fayit, my son."
Ahnix vaulted over the edge of the wooden watchtower and smoothly landed on her feet before walking over to stand next to Mark. She nodded at Donovan, and he nodded back.
"Thank you for not killi
ng my foolhardy son. He recently inherited our family heirloom, and he can't wait to use it on something. Lucky for you he can barely hit the side of a dune."
Mark noticed that Ahnix's black tail was flipping around behind her and looked a little more puffed out than usual, too. She was still on edge and needed some answers.
"When I had last visited these Riverlands,” Ahnix began, in full aristocrat mode, “the people welcomed Collectors instead of shooting at them. But that was when there was a river. Tell me, what happened here. Where is the Vull?"
The old man looked into the regal cat-girl's large eyes. He stared until to the point of being uncomfortable. Fayit had climbed down and was now standing by the gate, his dark eyebrows furrowed.
Finally, the weathered old man spoke. "I will answer your questions, and you can answer mine. But first, come inside. Rest. Welcome to Auxuma Village." He turned and beckoned them to follow him.
They walked with Donovan past the gates, passed a sullen Fayit and entered the small tent-city that was Auxuma Village. The smell of roasted meat was making Mark's stomach fold in on itself.
They were led past pens of goats, gawking villagers and smoldering campfires. Some children were afraid and hid behind their parents, others pointed and waved at Ahnix. She looked down on all of them.
They reached a peculiarly large and colorful tent, and Donovan motioned to wooden benches circling a central fire-pit. Mark and Ahnix sat close together on one while their host and his son sat across from them. Fayit laid his interesting-looking crossbow across his lap, and it was the first time Mark got a good look at it.
The weapon seemed to be made entirely of metal, but its color shifted as it moved. He had to assume it was not an ordinary crossbow based on the magic bolt that buzzed passed his face earlier like a colorful bottle rocket. He could really use a ranged weapon like that. Fayit noticed Mark's hungry eyes and cradled the small crossbow to his chest.
"What are you looking at?" the young man spat.
Mark smiled, "That's quite a piece of hardware you got there."
Donovan looked over to his son and chimed in, "That is Myriad, a magic crossbow that has been handed down in my family for generations. I have only heard stories of the Collectors and their Enthralled. My grandfather used to tell me the stories that his grandfather used to tell him. Stories of a time when collectors were everywhere, adventuring around the land, embarking on one quest or another. I was always told that my family was descended from a great adventurer who settled down and founded this village. The crossbow was his." He paused staring at Ahnix again. Mark got the sense that this man was in awe of her. She was quite lovely, but it seemed like more. Like she was something out of legend for him. He addressed her now.