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Enthralled: Book 2: Picking Up the Pieces Page 6

  Ahnix pulled one of Vale's arms up over her head, and Roo watched every move. When the cat-girl had both in position, she nodded.

  Roo nodded back and held one of her hands out to the floor. Mark had to stand to see what was happening and understanding hit him the same time it hit Vale, trapped under Roo's velvety pussy.

  Iron chains snaked up out of the floor and wrapped themselves around Vale's wrists tightly. Once they were attached, they pulled back down, restraining Vale's muscular arms over her head.

  Ahnix put her face down by Roo's butt. “Not too tight, are they?”

  Mark could only hear a muffled moan from Vale, buried by Roo's pussy. Ahnix moved to Vale's stomach and pointed again. And again, Roo held out her hand to the side of the bed. Another chain snaked itself over Vale's tight abs and continued to the other side. After the links of iron made it across, they constricted, locking Vale down onto the bed even tighter.

  Ahnix continued even further down, pointing near the tip of Vale's tail and another chain came up. This time, it wrapped itself around a few times before locking down.

  Vale was now securely restrained to the bed, and Mark could feel her sensual pleasure washing over him. But Ahnix wasn't done with the hardware. She used one furry finger to point at one of Vale's huge, black nipples and then the other.

  Roo nodded and held her hand out to the ceiling. Two hooks on chains lowered down, and Ahnix looped each of Vale's thick nipple rings over them. Once they were secure, Roo retracted the chains, pulling upwards. The naga's black nipples were stretched upward, almost exactly like they were when they had found her in the slug kingdom.

  Mark heard a low moan come from Roo's pussy and he could feel Vale almost orgasm right then and there. His cat-girl flicked one of the taut chains attached to Vale's nipples and set it vibrating.

  “Princess, if you are enjoying yourself, stick your amazing tongue deep into Roo's pretty pussy,” Ahnix said.

  Mark saw Roo's eyelids go wide and then almost close as she started to moan herself.

  While Vale pleasured Roo from below, Ahnix took her time removing her leather armor. Mark watched as she slipped her tight tube-top off, and then her snug fitting shorts down, bending over right in front of Mark. She walked them over to the storage area, her long, black tail slowly waving as if it was submerged in a slow-moving river.

  By this point, Vale was so worked up Mark could see her thick pussy dripping onto the bed. Ahnix finally climbed up to join them and straddled the naga's massive vagina. She sat down, putting her weight and her furry pussy right on Vale's fleshy clitoris.

  Ahnix began to grind her soft, sleek-furred vagina right into Vale's pussy. Shortly after Ahnix had started, Mark could see Vale convulse, pulling against the chains and having her first orgasm. One of many, Mark was sure. Roo's pure black eyes fluttered as Vale's long tongue spasmed inside her delicious, velvet pussy.

  “Is the princess licking your little hole good?” Ahnix asked.

  “Mm-hmm...” Roo blinked slowly, almost closing her eyes.

  “Then return the favor and lick one of these stretched-out nipples.”

  Roo smiled and leaned forward to flick her velvet tongue on Vale's left nipple, and Mark heard Vale's muffled moan in response.

  Ahnix looked over her shoulder and focused on Mark with her beautiful exotic eyes.

  “Mark, it's time for the main course. Get that magic cock over here and stuff it into our princess.”

  “As you wish, my queen,” Mark said, standing and bowing.

  He stripped out of his silk clothes and slid up, right behind Ahnix, who was still grinding her pussy into Vale's huge clit. The cat-girl's perfectly round, furry ass crack was right in line with Vale's vagina, so he just slid it right past Ahnix's asshole and into Vale.

  He could feel Vale spasm again as his bulbous head sunk into her warm, wet pussy. Orgasm number two wracked the giant snake-woman, writhing on the bed below him- and he had only just filled her with his dick.

  Ahnix then leaned forward and started licking Vale's other stretched nipple, using the rough part of her tongue.

  Between the restraints, the tugged nipple rings and both nipples licked, Roo's exquisite pussy on her mouth and her tight asshole on her nose, Ahnix grinding her clit with her furry pussy, and Mark dipping his thick, hard dick deep into her; Vale was continuously spasming from completely encompassing pleasure.

  With his unique bond to his Enthralled, he could tell Vale was just having one long orgasm. Mark was enjoying himself too, sliding his dick between his desert queen's tight ass crack and into the giant naga's hot pussy. He wrapped his arms around Ahnix's tight stomach in front of him and started to thrust deep and hard.

  After a good long while like this, Ahnix stopped licking the big, black, stretched nipple and leaned down by Roo's crotch.

  “This is what you get for making me queen.”

  She sat back up and turned her head, slightly to the side, catching Mark's eyes with hers.

  “Hit her good for me.”

  Mark knew exactly what that meant. He closed his eyes and extended his mind outwards. There was so much erotic energy surrounding them he could virtually see the sparks crackling in the air. He drew all of it into himself, almost to the point of rupturing his mind.

  As Mark thrust his cock deep inside of Princess Vale, he unleashed one of the most powerful heal and enhance combos he had ever pulled off, directly into her clitoris.

  The scream from Vale was muffled by Roo's crotch, but it was the sound of someone reaching the ultimate pinnacle of pleasure. Vale's clenching pussy grabbed onto his stiff cock and vibrated with the force of countless simultaneous orgasms, pulling the sperm right out of him.

  He filled her with essence and cum.

  After everyone caught their breath, they slowly climbed off Vale. Roo removed all of the restraints, letting them sink back into the floorboards.

  Vale had a small grin on her chiseled, elfish face but was otherwise completely passed out. Ahnix crawled over and planted a sweet kiss on her flushed cheek.

  Both Roo and Ahnix still need their essence fix, so Mark made love to them right next to the comatose Vale.

  - 5 -

  “It feels like glass,” Roo said, running her soft hand along the side of the magic dome. Mark and his Enthralled were all standing outside the vast, magical shield under the weak, morning sunlight. Roo had opened the door right next to the barrier so they didn't have to tromp through the swamp. Everyone but Ahnix seemed fine with the wet sopping ground. Mark and Roo were already wearing boots, and Vale had activated the epic suit of armor before leaving home. If Mark had to guess, the typically-frowning, black and gold cat-girl was trying to decide what she hated worse; putting on shoes of any kind, or wet feet.

  “Ahnix, do you want to try teleport in there?” Mark asked, trying to peek inside. He had Harem Recall, but he was leery of sending her into an unknown like this.

  She concentrated then shook her head. “Can't target beyond the barrier.”

  Vale suddenly struck the dome with an armored fist, making Mark nearly jump out of his skin. The deep, echoing “bloop” noise her hand made as it bounced off sounded like a rock impacting the middle of a frozen lake.

  “Well, our last option is to try and open a door on the other side. Roo?”

  The velvet-girl nodded and held her hand out to the ground behind her. The door appeared, and she opened it.

  “Wait here, I'll be right back,” she said, before closing the door behind her. This was the first time she was going back to her home dimension alone, and Mark had a small, nagging feeling that she somehow wouldn't be able to leave again. He took a deep breath and dismissed the overprotective train of thought.

  Ahnix crossed her arms and leaned up against the dome while they waited. She looked Mark up and down with her disinterested frown.

  “You're the only one who hasn't had an armor upgrade yet. It might be time to trade in those old silks for something more substantial,�
�� she said, with a quick nod.

  Mark looked down at his silk vest and pants. They were comfortable, but she was right. He was still wearing his starting gear.

  He looked over at Ahnix and her leather, tight-fitting outfit from Auxuma Village, then over to Vale, wrapped in cosmic scale mail. Even Roo had a cute and serviceable leather corset with metal buckles in strategic places.

  “As a healer, can I even wear something heavier than this?” Mark asked. After all this time, he still had so much to learn.

  Vale shook her head. “No master, but we should be able to find you some enchanted upgrades.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Mark noticed black swirls of dust coalesce into a wooden door, standing in the middle of the swamp. It swung inward, and Roo stepped out.

  “Nope,” she said, her big lips squished to one side of her face in disappointment. “It's like this section of reality doesn't even exist.”

  Mark looked around at his girls. “Besides walking the perimeter does anyone have any better ideas?”

  No one did, so they began moving south-west, along its edge. The soggy ground was not easy to traverse, and more than once the group had to swing wide around flooded marshy sections. Mark kept his eyes on the water as oily pockets of air rose from the depths and disturbed its calm surface. He had the feeling that something was going to be jumping out at them any moment. He was kind of hoping for it.

  Boredom set in after about an hour of unrewarded vigilance, trudging through the swamp.

  Mark sighed. “Anyone have any new and deadly abilities?” he asked, stepping over a rotting log.

  Vale spoke first, “I'm holding onto my points for now. I have a few powerful, new options, and I'll probably go down the Hexer path, but I want to see what we'll be facing before committing.”

  Ahnix looked over her shoulder. “I picked an upgrade to my teleport ability called Retract.

  I can choose to instantly return to my starting position after teleportation, but I only have five seconds before the option expires.”

  “Nice,” Vale said. “That will open up some interesting hit-and-run tactics.”

  Roo waited for everyone to finish and then held up her hand, palm facing outward. A metal sphere that looked like a cannonball shot from her hand and stuck into the soft ground with a splatter.

  She pranced over to the object and bent over with the smooth grace of a veteran stripper, her firm velvet-ass popping the back of her short, leather skirt into the air. She plucked it from the mud, spun around, and held it out for everyone to see.

  “I went with Metalmancy Two. Piercing needles are great and all, but now I have more options.”

  Mark looked at the iron ball in her velvet hand and thought of all kinds of benefits to a blunt object over a spear-like projectile. He imagined their fight with the foolishly grouped-up skeletons by the lighthouse. Only this time, Roo was by their side- shattering bones.

  “I can also add barbs to the needles, too- all kinds of neat things,” she added, with a wicked smile. “It's an expensive upgrade, but it also makes everything just better. Damage. Cool-downs. Everything.”

  Mark watched as she tossed the iron ball over her shoulder. It splashed in the mud again, and he wondered what happened to all the needles they left lying around the world since they rescued the odd fabric-creature. Looking down at the sewing needle she left jutting out of his magic crossbow, Mark realized he hadn't tried shooting an explosive bolt at the barrier. He reached a hand down to take hold of the ranged weapon on his belt but paused when a much better thought struck him, and he felt like an idiot.

  “Hey, Ahnix. I just had an idea. We haven't tried Doom Kick yet on this thing. It's been pretty effective on destroying pesky defenses in the past.”

  Ahnix looked from him to the towering, magic dome next to them.

  “Maybe. Enhance me first though. This barrier seems... resilient.”

  Mark nodded, and they found a nice, relatively dry patch to stand on. When she was in position, he held up his heart ring and concentrated on giving her devastating kick-attack an abstract, sexual climax. He closed his eyes and narrowed a solid burst of power solely on that single ability.

  Huge glowing rings materialized along Ahnix's powerful legs. She almost fell backward from the rush of pleasure enveloping her and had to reach out to the dome for stabilization.

  When it was over, she shook herself, trying to clear her head. Then, the cat-girl bent her knees, focused her large eyes on the solid wall of magic in front of her, and yelled, “Doom Kick!”

  Her right foot flashed across the dome with lightning speed, and a shadowy rip in reality opened in front of her.

  The resulting explosion knocked everyone but Vale to the ground.

  Mark shook his head and sat up trying to make sure everyone was okay. He heard a heartbreaking, low howling noise a few yards back and knew Ahnix was hurt.

  Panic gripped him as he scrambled to find her. He could feel a terrible, aching pain echo in his right leg. He locked into to their bond, and his head instantly swiveled to where she was laying, a good distance away from the magic dome.

  When he got to her, the others were right behind him, and they all looked down at the cat-girl in horror. Ahnix's right leg was completely gone below the knee like it was violently ripped off. Her large eyes pleaded up at him, tears spilling down her cheeks as she clenched her jaw in pain.

  Mark got on his knees, closed his eyes, and called on all of reality to obey his frighteningly focused will. Even Roo and Vale felt the air rush around them as he gathered power into himself. He was not going to let anything hurt his precious and irreplaceable love. He made a promise long ago, and their bond has only grown deeper, tying her to his very being.

  His eyes opened, and a soft, white glow spilled out from them like a gentle morning fog before the dawn. A tidal wave of energy passed through him and into Ahnix as blinding streams of light rose from the ground around them both, and a tornado of healing wind consolidated onto her half-missing limb.

  The cat-girl's exotic eyes rolled into her head as terrible pain was replaced with tremendous pleasure. After it was over, she had at least three simultaneous orgasms and one fully restored right leg. Ahnix looked down, panting and saw the leather armor piece that covered her right shin was gone, but she was okay with that.

  Her glassy eyes met Mark's, and he reached for her hand.

  “That was a bad idea,” he said, holding onto her tightly.

  “Mark,” Vale said, quietly. “We have company.”

  He looked up and saw a group of strange men standing out in the swamp, watching. He thought they were bird creatures, at first, but quickly realized that they were just people wearing leather masks with long beaks.

  One of them pulled the mask up over his head while walking towards Mark, and Ahnix rolled up onto her feet, claws out.

  One of the three men who held back pulled out a dagger when he saw Ahnix and the one who had removed his mask froze on the spot, putting his hands out.

  “Wait! We're peaceful! Please don't kill us.”

  Mark put his hand on Ahnix's furry shoulder, and she retracted her claws. The puny dagger was no real threat, and the unmasked one looked frail and gaunt.

  “We aren't going to harm you unless you strike first,” Mark said.

  The unmasked man put his hands down. “We heard the explosion and... did you just- are you a healer?”

  “Yeah. I'm a healer.”

  The masked man with the knife put it back under his long cloak, but they held their ground as the first one continued to approach. He had greasy black hair and frantic, wide eyes.

  “What blew?” the weaselly man asked, raising and lowering thick, black eyebrows like the quick flap of ravens wings.

  Mark looked over his shoulder at the undamaged, magic barrier behind them. He sighed and turned back to the man.

  “We were trying to get inside that dome, and it really didn't appreciate Ahnix's special attack. Took off half her

  The man looked down at her muscular legs and then back up at Mark.

  “Sir, please. It's my wife. I haven't a lot of money, but if you help her, I'll bring you to the ones who built the great dome.”

  Mark felt some of his frustration with the magic barrier slip away. This sounded like a quest, and it was pointing them in the right direction.

  “Of course. I will help her if I can.” Mark offered the gaunt man his hand. “I'm Mark. This is Ahnix, Vale, and Roo.”

  He grabbed Mark's hand and shook it vigorously, “Lennit. Thank you. You have no idea- The village is this way.”

  Lennit turned around and yelled to the other men still waiting further out in the swamp.

  “You lot, go back to the harvester. I'll meet you back home.”

  Two of them looked at each other and then started walking away. But the one who drew the small dagger stood motionless.

  “You sure about this, Lennit?” the man yelled, his voice muffled by the long-beaked mask

  “He's a healer. I gotta try. Go on, get!”

  The other man hesitated, watching Mark and his girls follow behind Lennit. Eventually, he followed the others off into the swamp.

  Lennit was setting a brisk pace but seemed to know the wetlands well and exactly where the firmest places were to step. Mark didn't mind the increased speed- even though they were moving away from their destination, it felt like they were finally getting somewhere.

  “You mentioned a harvester,” Vale said. “What were you and your men doing out here?”

  Lennit answered, without looking back. “Switching bog sacks.”

  Mark and Vale exchanged a look.

  “Bog sex?” Roo said, with a half smile.

  “Not sex, sacks. Come on. We need to hurry.” Lennit was not in the joking mood and quickened is stride to a light jog.