Enthralled: Book 2: Picking Up the Pieces Read online

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  They all closed their eyes and focused as one unified whole, linked by their close bond.

  And then it was over.

  The corruption vanished in an instant, and a potent wave of essence entered Mark's body.

  In the tear's place stood most of a forge, including a brightly-colored red naga with his back to everyone. He quickly dodged backward as a metal hood and its attached ventilation system crashed down around him.

  Everything that had been there before the tear was instantly restored, but over the last few hundred years, the rest of the chimney over the forge must have been destroyed or otherwise removed. The glowing piece of metal he was working sent up sparks as half of the restored facility rained down, making a reverberating clatter in the enclosed space.

  “What in the son of an unmarried bitch is this shit?” he said, his oversized hammer hanging limply in his hand.

  Mark turned to face the queen and the rest of the royal onlookers to see every last one of them shocked to their very core. Vale's mother was the first to close her unhinged jaw.

  She cleared her throat, and the blacksmith turned around to find a dozen people behind him that hadn't been there a moment ago.

  - 2 -

  “What in the Flaming Four is going on here? Is this one of Doreena's pranks?”

  “I am Queen Vicera, and who might you be?”

  “Queen who?” The restored blacksmith narrowed his dark brown eyes and seemed to see her for the first time. His attention lingered on the crown she wore on her pure white hair. “Where did you get that crown. What's going on here?” He brought up his hammer in a defensive stance. The guards around the queen all readied their spears in response.

  Mark took a step forward. “Relax. You've been trapped, suspended in time for over two hundred years. I know you won't believe me at first,” he shot a glance over his shoulder at the royal entourage, “No one does. But, you will, as you learn more about your surroundings. Look at the walls. Look at the sections of the keep around here and see the changes that could not have happened overnight.”

  The blacksmith naga slid back a few feet, shaking his head, disbelieving. He risked a glance at the cracked and crumbling, moss-covered stone that made up the walls of this chamber, and the thick arm grasping his hammer started to drop.

  “I must be dreaming,” he said.

  Jord's bottom half slid back and forth as he approached blacksmith, his hands held up to show he was no threat.

  “Is your name Alestor?” the older naga asked, studying his face.

  “Yeah, who are you? Tell me what- Where is Queen Rhoda?”

  Jord ignored the bright red naga and turned to face the queen.

  “This is Alestor Selmaris; he was a great artisan that went missing during the cataclysm. Presumed dead.” Jord was absolutely giddy. “What a spectacular evening this is!”

  “What do you mean was a great artisan?” the blacksmith started to get that panicked look again.

  The queen nodded and slid forward towards the restored blacksmith, Senjin following close behind.

  “Alestor, let me be the first to welcome you back. I am indeed ruler of the Siv'Shyra Empire and a direct descendant of the great Queen Rhoda. The year is 923, and a lot has happened since you disappeared. My scholar here, Jord, will escort you to a safe place for debriefing. I will check in on you again in the morning after you have had some time to adjust.”

  The blacksmith had a blank look on his face but seemed to begin to accept his current situation. He gave one last glance at the trashed forge he had just been working in and nodded.

  “Very well. But, I hope to get as many answers as I give.”

  Mark watched as the two, red naga exited the restored forge, Jord firing a constant stream of questions at him as they left.

  Vale's mother also gave one last look around the restored forge before approaching Mark and his Enthralled.

  “It seems I owe you an apology, Mark. What you have done here... There are many levels of this situation to process. I now trust that you have the ability to restore the rips in our lands and that you have somehow granted that ability to Vale.” The queen looked over at her daughter and then shook her head. “But, I still have questions. She is a princess of the Siv'Shyra Empire and my daughter. I need to know more about you before I grant my consent to travel with you. I know I would never be able to stop her- Regardless, if you want my help, you will follow me into my private chambers for questioning.” She indicated to Ahnix and Roo with a wave of her hand. “Your Enthralled will be given a suite within the keep for the duration of your stay.”

  “Their names are Ahnix and Roo,” Vale said, with the slightest hint of agitation the way a teenage child is continuously embarrassed by their parents.

  “Right, Ahnix and Roo. Senjin, will you escort them to fitting accommodations?”

  “My queen, I would rather stay by your side.” The male naga bore into Mark with his ice blue eyes.

  The queen put her hand on his thickly muscled bicep, and he looked into her eyes. Mark could feel the emotional cord between them. He wondered if it was purely sexual, then realized that there were probably social constraints on queens that prevented her from open romantic affiliations.

  “I understand, War Master, but this human Collector will be no threat to me. Do as I command, and I will see you in the morning.”

  He nodded, his face as hard as stone. He addressed Ahnix and Roo. “Please follow me to your lodgings.”

  “I'll go with Master Senjin,” Vale said. Then she looked at Mark and nodded. He could feel her send waves of encouragement to him, and he got the sense that their bond was growing stronger, just as it had with Ahnix. Mixed in with her support was a slight terror that he would displease her mother somehow. A small butterfly fluttered in his stomach in response, but he pushed it down. He had nothing to hide. After they had closed the tear, the hard part was over, and the rest should be all downhill.

  Mark smiled and nodded back. “I'll be fine. See you guys later.”

  They went their separate ways after the first intersection, and Mark followed the queen up the bumpy ramps, back to her private quarters. As they moved in silence, he was left staring at her undulating bottom. She was adorned in much the same fashion as Vale, silk wrapping around her heavy breasts that left her back and stomach exposed. She wasn't as muscular as Vale but was toned enough to make Mark believe she took care of herself. He had no idea how old she was, and what that meant compared to a naga's lifespan, but she was still a very attractive woman.

  He shook his head. This was Vale's mother. He attributed his wandering thoughts to the pool of essence he had sloshing around in his nether regions, looking for a way out.

  They entered the queen's private chambers, and Vicera wove her body over to a stand at the back of the room. There, she removed her crown and a few pieces of jewelry. Mark stood just in the doorway, uncomfortably looking for something to stare at other than the darkly skinned queen.

  “Come inside, Collector. Shut the door and stand over here.” She pointed at one end of a long table.

  Mark had to put his back into it, but he pulled the heavy, iron door closed and stood where she had requested. She slid up to the other side of the table and coiled around herself slightly, lowering her body so she could rest her elbows on the table. From this perspective, her snake-half was hidden below the table, and she looked like a normal woman. Well, except for the dark gray skin, the pointed ears, and the impossibly large breasts.

  “Mark, I am going to ask you a few questions. Just try and be as honest as possible.”

  Mark looked her in the eye. “Of course. Ask me anything.”

  “Good.” She said, smiling. He noticed her cobalt blue eyes flash with an inner glow and then began to feel light-headed, euphoric even. He had to put a hand on the table to steady himself. Mark knew she had just done something to him, maybe used an ability. He felt like he was falling into her beautiful, irresistible eyes.

is your name.”

  He smiled, “Mark, your grace.”

  “Where are you from?”

  He laughed, “Oh man- Okay. Earth, I guess? Not sure how to answer that.” Mark wanted to answer her as honestly as he could, but he was having a hard time phrasing things so she would understand. He could feel her practically sucking the information from his mind. It didn't hurt at all, and his brain dissipated the friction as laughter. “Best way to put it is that I'm not from your world- er, dimension? Either way, I really like it here, and I want to stay.”

  The queen squinted her unimaginably attractive eyes. “How were you able to close the tear?”

  “Protector AI calls its self 'helper fairy', she gave me the power to heal the world and pass that power to my Enthralled.”

  “Why did this protector- this helper fairy do that?”

  “Self-preservation. World is ending. It is the world.” The words were coming harder now. He felt the queen pulling really hard. Like her irresistible eyes were two black holes, and all of his thoughts were just tumbling out of his mouth as soon as they sparked into existence.

  “Will you protect Vale?” The queen changed her line of questioning, and Mark felt the intensity on his mind loosen a little. This he could answer easily.

  “Absolutely. I have and I will. I possibly brought her back from the dead once.”

  At this, the queen's eyes opened wide, and Mark had to put both hands on the table to steady himself. He was almost pulled inside.

  “What do you make her do?”

  “Make her?” Mark looked confused. “I make her choose her own skill path and stat growth. She knows way better than I do how to handle essence allocation. I try to make her not feel bad about bad shit that happens sometimes. I make her cum really hard- Oh! I had to make her lay still once. She thought I was going to fuck her in the ass, but I just wanted to work the kinks out of her thick, back muscles. Vale has massive tits that hurt her back, as you understand, your grace.” Mark nodded to the queen's giant breasts and then slapped a hand over his mouth. The fizz in his brain made him spurt an oddly high-pitched laugh through his fingers as he tried to shut himself up.

  The naga queen seemed to regard Mark differently than she had been. She leaned close, and Mark could feel himself uncontrollably leading forward too.

  “Do you love her?”

  Mark lowered his hands and smiled. “I do, indeed. Her beautiful, violet eyes take in the world and reflect only goodwill to all creatures. She has saved my life so many times. She's smart and kind, and always wants to help.” Mark started to stare off into the wall. He didn't know it, but he was looking directly at Vale's current location within the keep. He continued, “Her hair is so soft, her skin is so smooth and firm, and her scent... Oh. My. God. Her scent.”

  Mark closed his eyes and turned to the side, wrapping his arms around an invisible Vale. Suddenly she wasn't invisible, and his arms held the real thing. The queen's hypnotic ability had made him trigger Harem Recall, pulling her to him.

  Vale looked down at Mark hugging her, confused. “Master? Why-” She turned and saw where she was. “Mother! What did you do to him?”

  The queen shrugged. “I need to make sure of a few things. He can pull you to him? What's the range?”

  Mark gave a muffled answer, his face buried in Vale's firm abs. “Forever.”

  “Are you finished with him?” Vale said, gently disengaging herself from Mark. “I should probably get back to Ahnix and Roo before they start freaking out.”

  “I have a few more questions. Don't worry I'm not hurting him. Things are going well, Vale. I'll send him to you when I am done with your new master.”

  Vale gave her a knowing look. “Alright, Mother.” As she was standing in the doorway, she caught Mark's eye and said, “Hit her with the combo,” then closed the door behind her.

  His head swam from being pulled like taffy and wondered if Vale just said what he thought she said.

  “Why does Vale call you 'master'?” the queen asked.

  She was back at it, and his attention snapped forward.

  “Don't know for sure. I think she likes being dominated after being pampered her whole life. Now that I've seen her old master, Senjin, maybe it's just fantasy she has.” He shrugged. “I just want to make her happy.”

  “One last question.” The queen's eyes flashed again, and she turned off her ability. “Can you make me cum hard?”

  Mark's head cleared, and his eyes went wide as Vale's mother pulled off the silk wrappings that held her massive tits. They plopped down, and Mark could clearly see the effect of gravity over time. He saw her naked before when they first arrived and caught her tangled up in the War Master, but he just now noticed her fat, black nipples weren't pierced like Vale's.

  “I- uh.” Mark stammered.

  “I need to know you are taking care of her in every way.”

  He was going to protest some more, but Vale's words echoed in his ears. She knew this was going to happen. Well, if he had to pleasure the naga queen of the Siv'Shyra Empire so Vale could get some new armor, he simply had to do his duty.

  “I can undoubtedly make you cum, hard,” he said, putting his crossbow on the table.

  “That's what I want to hear.” Vale's mother disconnected her belt, dropping her dress to the floor, and Mark got a good look at her royal vagina. He had tried to avert his eyes before- he didn't want to get caught staring. To his surprise, it was smaller than Vale's meaty pussy. The clitoris barely peeked out and was about as big as a golf ball, compared to Vale's softball sized love button.

  She moved over to the pile of pillows as Mark pulled off the last of his clothes.

  “I have never made love to a human, much less a Collector. This should be interesting,” she said looking at his junk.

  “I'm a Lover, your grace. Not just any Collector.” He flashed her his heart-shaped ring.

  She tilted her head and caressed him with her deep blue eyes, lounging on the pillows. Mark decided to dive right in and get those royal juices flowing.

  He got on his hands and knees, straddled her snake-half and just started licking her dark-skinned, wrinkled pussy lips. She was bent, so her vagina faced upward, but her torso was up-right so that she could look down on him. He knew he was going to have to use his abilities to impress her, but he wanted to wait until his dick was inside her. She wouldn't know what hit her.

  He parted her warm folds with his tongue and licked her inner labia. He could tell she was getting aroused because her clit started to swell a bit. He let his tongue randomly lap her tight bundle of nerves as he worked on her pussy, and she began to let out some reserved moans in response.

  He looked up into her eyes as he enveloped her clitoris with his hot mouth. She moaned deeper. He then saw her long, naga tongue slide out, down her chest, and wrap around one of her thick nipples. She then pulled her heavy breast up to her lips, using only her tongue, until her nipple was in her mouth.

  Mark used his tongue to tease her clit while he watched her suck on her own floppy tit and his cock was growing very hard.

  He slid down slightly and stuck his tongue inside her pussy. He knew it would be pitifully short compared to a naga's tongue, but he just had to get a taste of her while he could. He lapped the inside of her warm pussy as far as he could reach and was rewarded with an earthy, grape flavor.

  He closed his eyes and buried himself in the delicious folds of her wrinkly pussy. And, as he expected, he started to get the sensation that she wanted something more.

  Reluctantly he pulled his mouth away from her and looked up into her eyes as she switched to her other nipple. Hands-free, she used her tongue again to draw her nipple into her mouth to suck on.

  It was time to show her his own tricks. “Your grace, do I have permission to enter you. You may never want to go back to anything else afterward.”

  Vale's mother just nodded, her nipple still pulled between her lips.

  Mark pushed his hard cock back a bit
, as he had to slide it in straight down. As he squatted, his ridged penis pressing into her pussy, he started a slow heal on her. He trailed the sensation all along the walls of her pussy as he pushed his stiff cock deep into Vale's royal mother.

  The nipple she had been holding popped out of her mouth as she gasped in surprise. Her dark eyes looked into his trying to understand this unique sensation warming her pleasure center.

  He capitalized on the opportunity and grabbed the tit in his face that had just been in her mouth. He squeezed on her thick, fleshy nipple and brought it to his lips. It was still too big to fit, so he just lapped the tip with his tongue. The end of her huge nipple was made more sensitive by his fist squeezing it tightly, right at the base.

  Mark reached down with his free hand and massaged her swollen clitoris as he slid his dick in and out, riding her like he did Vale. Like she was a horse, and her clit was the pommel. She leaned her head back, over the initial surprise of his magic cock and just went along for the ride.

  He cranked up the heal he was channeling into her. He was going to banish all doubt that he could take care of her daughter. Mark was going to prove to this queen that he was worthy of holding on tightly to Vale.

  Her moans grew louder as he channeled more of his energy directly into her pussy. Her head was still tilted back, and she had to use both of her hands on the floor to stay upright. Mark could feel she was getting weaker. Was she trying to fight the orgasm? As he pressed the bulbous head of his throbbing cock into the top wall of her pussy, he could feel a particular jolt of pleasure from the gasping naga. He was hitting the perfect spot. And she was fighting it.

  He sensed her embarrassment at being so overwhelmed by a human. She had figured it would be good but that she would outlast him in the end. She was no longer sure of that and tried to delay her orgasm.

  Mark was getting exceptionally good at what he did. Making love to women and making their heads explode was his purpose in his world. He focused the head of his cock and all of his slow, healing energy on that small patch of nerves deep inside her pussy and just to the right.