Enthralled: Book 2: Picking Up the Pieces Read online

Page 21

  And nothing happened. The flames just licked around her arm.

  “Roo...” Mark started. He was having a hard time coming back from thinking he had lost her. Vale and Ahnix were just staring at her, wide-eyed. She pulled her arm out of the fire and sauntered over to him, her gleaming, black eyes on his. She didn't stop when she reached him and threw her arms around his neck pulling him in close. He closed his eyes and buried his face in her soft hair.

  “Let's go home,” she said in his ear.

  She held out a hand behind Mark's back, and the black door appeared.

  Once they were all inside the house dimension, she spun to face them.

  “I am so sorry, but I knew it was the right thing to do.”

  “How?” Vale asked, tapping the gem on her forehead.

  “Well, I recently decided to be fearless like you, and while we were going through his lessons, I honestly started to appreciate the element of fire and all the good it does for life in this world. By the end, I just knew what the final offering should be. Besides, I had this feeling in the back of my mind that none of it was real as soon as my door didn't work. That, and the infinite wolves.”

  Mark felt Vale start to tear up. She didn't know how to handle the role model thing.

  “Oh, and it gets better,” Roo added.

  She held out one of her velvet hands, and a small flame appeared, flickering just above her palm. “I'm also a fire mage now.”

  Mark blinked. He was speechless.

  “I need to pour essence into the path to do much more than this, and I really like Metalmancy... so we'll see!”

  “What does the belt do?” Ahnix asked, calm as ever.

  “As long as I wear it I'm totally immune to anything fire related. And I can extend that protection out in a for a short duration, kind of like Mark's magic bubble, but only for fire.”

  Vale wove herself up to Roo. “I am so proud of you. The courage it must have taken... This belt is another legendary naga artifact, and I can't think of a better person to wield it.”

  Roo stepped in and wrapped her soft hands around Vale's charcoal skin. Mark felt their connection deepen and when Roo turned her face to nuzzle one of Vale's massive breasts while stroking her back, he felt a flame of passion ignite within the giant naga.

  Vale pulled back, took one of Roo's soft hands in her own then turned to Mark and Ahnix.

  “I hope you two don't mind, but Roo and I are going to the private chamber for a little while.

  With that, she gently pulled a smiling Roo along down the hallway for some alone time.

  Mark turned to Ahnix and sighed. “What a fucking day.”

  “Mmm. Well, I know just the thing for a weary boy like you.” She pointed to the large bed in the back of the room. “Strip.”

  They both removed their armor and clothes and moved on top of the bed. He got on his back and expected the cat-girl to sit on his face, it was her go-to position. Instead, she paused at the edge of the bed.

  “Flip,” Ahnix said, her exotic, half-lidded eyes locked on his. A few possible scenarios went through his mind, but he was perfectly happy to oblige his queen.

  “As you command, your grace.”

  He turned over and put his head on his arms, wondering what she was going to do to him. He felt her climb up onto the bed and then felt the warmth of her furry, muscular thighs as she straddled his ass on her knees.

  Her soft, sleek hands pressed into the small of his back and slid their way up to his shoulders. She pushed hard, and he moaned through a smile as she worked out the kinks his back.

  Before long, she started pressing her chest into his buttocks, moving up his back, and he could feel her stiff nipples slide against his skin. The warmth of her tight body mashing against his sent tingles down his spine and into his cock. He could feel her grind her soft pussy into the back of his thigh and savored the best massage of his life.

  She spun around and rubbed down the backs of his legs with her hands and breasts. He could feel her hot, wet pussy grinding into his shoulder blades as she moved.

  She worked him over from head to toe, rubbing him down with her entire, perfectly toned body, and Mark couldn't imagine anything he'd rather be doing right now. Ahnix could, however, and rolled off of him.

  “On your hands and knees,” she ordered.

  Lost in a daze, he pulled his arms and legs up and did as she commanded. She straddled him again, this time pressing her furry, wet slit against the back of his neck and draped herself over his backside. Her tight warmth covered him as she reached down and began to stroke his cock like she was milking a cow.

  Mark tensed when he felt her furry face nuzzled between his cheeks, but he was so relaxed, and it felt so good, he just went with it. She used her tiny pink tongue to lick his anus and balls while she wrapped both of her soft, furry hands around his penis, slowly pulling it backward.

  Her thumbs caressed the underside of his cock as it was held out behind him was a sensation like nothing he had ever felt before, and he shuddered with tingling pleasure. He put his head down, moaning and lost in the intense, unique stimulation Ahnix was forcing on him. She was a talented cat-girl and started licking him from his asshole to the tip of his cock.

  Every time her tongue slid over the underside of his penis, pulled back as it was, facing up into the air, a surge of intense ecstasy washed over him. He could feel himself start to get close, and so did Ahnix. She let his stiff dick go, and it sprung back to its normal position, pointing downwards between his legs.


  Mark did what he was told and got onto his back, his cock pointing upwards. She straddled his thighs again, pushing her wet slit against his penis. Ahnix leaned forward and started to rub his front side with her sleek, furred and toned body like she had done with his back.

  Her firm muscles gave her expert control over her movements, and Mark watched in ecstasy as the black and gold cat-girl writhed her warm body against his. She used her pussy to slide up and down his dick, never letting it slip inside, but he was getting to the point where he wanted nothing more.

  She moved back to where she started, pressing the base of his penis against her hot, wet, furry slit. He looked up into her frowning, regal face and felt a closeness to someone more intense than he ever imagined possible.

  She put her hands on his chest and walked herself forward, slowly pressing her vagina against the head of his penis until it was almost inside her. Then, she slowly slid back down, her pussy eating his dick with mind-blowing slowness.

  It was so hot and wonderful that it caused shivers ripple over his whole body from the slick friction of his dick on the inside of her vagina. Once he was entirely inside her, she laid her head down on his chest and began to rock her hips back and forth rhythmically. She wasn't going up and down, just changing the angle of her pelvis, so his cock was forced to root around inside her.

  He moaned and wrapped hands around her muscular thighs. She began to get more creative, rolling her hips randomly around and working his rigid cock inside her. He just held on to her furry legs as she massaged his cock with her pussy.

  This went on for a while before he felt the muscles in her strong vagina start to flutter against his dick. He focused on the waves of pleasure radiating out of her and synced his own ecstasy with hers. She sat up, burying his cock inside her as far as it could go and looked down on him with her perfect, small-mouthed frown. They climaxed simultaneously, their eyes locked as they quietly let out the breaths they had been holding. He filled her with cum and essence, his fingers squeezing her thighs.

  Ahnix slumped forward again and pressed her lips to his. They just laid in each other's arms, slowly kissed until Vale and Roo came back from their own pleasurable adventures.

  His other two enthralled needed their essence too, and they all shared each other's bodies while doing so. Afterward, the four of them snuggled together on the enormous bed and drifted off into the kind of peaceful sleep only achieved by being surrou
nded by loved ones.

  The next morning they woke up and prepared for their second attempt on the second Crystal Heart piece. Mark watched his girls pull on their armor over their lovely bodies and sighed with contentment.

  “Any new abilities the team should know about?” he asked.

  Roo cinched her new legendary belt over her leather skirt and looked up.

  “Besides a tiny flame, I blew a load of points on something I've wanted for a long time, Metal Rain. Think downpour, but with needles.” Her puffy, red lips curved into a wicked smile.

  Vale spoke up next. “I upgraded Shield Bash. I can optionally rush forward three yards at high-speed, beforehand. Great for closing the distance and surprising an enemy.”

  Ahnix, wiggled her hips as she pulled up the same tight, leather shorts she had been wearing for a long time. Gear that was made for her by the people in Auxuma village.

  She made sure all her armor was situated the way she liked it, and then crossed her arms and cleared her throat.

  “Keep your eyes on me, if you can...” she said, as she faded from sight. Unlike her normal teleport, where she would just instantly pop way, Mark could tell this was something different. He looked around, but she didn't seem to be anywhere nearby.

  Then he felt her soft hand press against his penis over his pants and felt her breath in his ear. As soon as he became sure of where she was, she became visible behind him, her furry arms wrapped around his waist. He spun around to face her.

  “Shadow Cloak,” she said. “Lasts as long as I want, or until someone notices me. It was expensive.”

  “Ooh, sneaky,” Roo said.

  “Can you teleport while cloaked?” Vale asked.

  “I believe so. Anything goes as long as I'm not heard or felt.”

  Vale nodded to herself. “Yeah, that's going to be great for... lots of situations.”

  “Fantastic. You're all some badass, beautiful women,” Mark said with a giant grin across his face.

  “We ready to dive into that volcano again?” Roo asked.

  “Yes, let's,” Vale said, tapping the gem in her magic circlet.

  Roo summoned the door, and Mark watched as his girls all confidently sauntered into the searing heat, hips swaying as they walked, and he smiled again.

  She put them directly in front of the first cave they found. Mark looked up the imposing black mass of jagged rock and stone rising high up into the soot-laden sky and hoped they were ready for this.

  They moved through the cave and into the continually rumbling volcano until they came to the section of the cave filled with jets of fire.

  Roo didn't stop walking as the rest of them held their position outside of the gouts of flame billowing out of the walls. She stood right in front of one of the holes as a blast hit her full in the face. Other than looking like she was buffeted with a gust of wind, her straight lilac hair fluttering around her mask, there were no ill effects. She was now absolutely impervious to fire.

  She stepped back out and yelled over the roaring fires.

  “The protection will last for about a minute. Then it will need another five minutes before it can recharge. We ready to move fast?”

  Everyone nodded and, she made an 'X' with her soft, velvet wrists. Mark saw a barely perceptible shimmer expand from her and extend about ten feet in every direction.

  “Stay close!”

  They all clumped around Roo as they moved through the jets of flame streaming out of the cave walls. Mark smiled as the fire blasted right into his skin like a summer breeze.

  Once they safely passed the flames, they slowed down and spread out a bit. The charred, black cave continued to twist and turn ahead of them, and Mark and Ahnix took up the rear this time.

  They came to the first fork along their path and decided they would try every left passage to see where that would take them. Where it took them was a large cavern with a lake of lava in the center. Immense, black stalactites dripped molten rock from the ceiling, but the most worrying feature of this area were the four, large thermal bears feeding off the magma.

  Roo and Vale were moving forward carefully, and the hulking, leathery creatures hadn't noticed when they peeked into the chamber. Mark watched in fascination as they dipped their hungry bulbs into the liquid rock, white eyes focused on the glowing pool of lava.

  Mark and his girls moved back down the cave to discuss their options.

  “We could always go another way,” Vale said. “There was that split a little ways back.”

  Roo bit her lip. “The opening at the back, on the other side of the lava is lower, I think it's the right way to go.”

  “Nothing we do is ever easy,” Ahnix said. “Let's end them.”

  “Okay, we push forward. What's the plan?” Mark asked, looking up at Vale.

  Five minutes later Ahnix teleported to the furthest monster, yelled, “Doom kick!” and sliced the creature in half with a backflip. After she had landed, the cat-girl waved to the other three, ducked behind the corpse and then Retracted back around the corner to where she started.

  As expected, the other three thermal bears roared and converged on their dead cavemate, searching for the attacker.

  As soon as Ahnix yelled out her attack, Mark enhanced Roo. He was supposed to try and hit her new Metal Rain ability, but as neither of them has ever seen it, he had to settle on a less focused enhancement.

  He locked his eyes on the overpowered fabric-girl and tried to give her every advantage he could. He was immensely happy she was still in his life and poured his joy for her existence back into her Metalmancy skill-set. Golden orbs enveloped her hands, and she held them up to her face, her eyelids fluttering with ecstasy.

  When she was all charged up, she stepped into the cave and yelled, “Metal Rain!” holding her palms up towards the ceiling.

  A multitude of ten-foot sewing needles shimmered into existence near the ceiling of the cave, and once fully formed, they zipped downward into the animals at high-speed. When Roo yelled out, the thermal bears snarled and turned to gallop up the path to where she stood.

  She intentionally centered her new ability a little ahead of them, and the random attacks struck all three.

  Two were fatally impaled by the terrifyingly forceful and sharp shafts of metal but only grazed the last one before the beast escaped the area-of-effect.

  Vale was ready for any leaks and slid forward with her shield held out before her. She waited until they were a few yards apart before she activated her upgraded Shield Bash and zipped forward, leaving a blur of giant naga afterimages behind her.

  She slammed her shield into the surprised creature's face, and its head hung limply, afflicted with a severe stun. As per the plan, she backed up and let Mark level his crossbow on the reeling thermal bear. He lined up the front sight with the needle Roo injected into his magic weapon, and when he was sure he had a bead on its face, he squeezed the trigger.

  The dazzling ball of energy launched directly into the creature's eye and detonated. Vale had to raise her shield to prevent her face getting covered in the resulting splatter.

  Mark noticed the essence from this one enter his body. All four were down.

  “Woo!” Roo cheered down to Vale from the mouth of the chamber. “Great plan!”

  They moved around the pool of lava and Mark was seriously sweating from the heat radiating all around him. The soot-covered cave circled down deeper and deeper, and they had to use Roo's new fire protection ability more than once to pass by jets of flame.

  Ahnix put her hand up suddenly and tilted her head, listening to something with her tall, pointed ears only she could hear. They all stopped and waited quietly. Mark tried to perceive what she was hearing but just heard the loud rumbling of boiling and grinding rock.

  Ahnix turned around to face them and whispered, “I hear... moaning.”

  - 17 -

  “Moaning?” Mark asked.

  “Yes. Like someone is getting fucked.”

  Mark's eyes went
wide. “I see.”

  “I'll go ahead and scope it out. Stay here.” Ahnix put her hand on Mark's chest and then pushed off. As she backed away, he watched her fade away to nothing and lost track of where she was.

  They waited patiently for the cat-girl to return and a few minutes later Ahnix faded back into existence as she padded forward on her small feet. She had the same beautiful frown she always did, but Mark felt anxiety from her.

  “What did you see?” He asked.

  “It's a fire djinn, and she seems to be pleasuring herself with the Crystal Heart piece.”

  “Damn...” Vale said, glancing down the cave with a serious look.

  “Uh, what's a fire djinn?” Roo asked, and Mark was glad she did.

  Vale looked down at the velvet-girl. “Sentient flame, trespassers into our world from the elemental plane of fire. They are exceedingly rare. My instructors advised fleeing as the only real option.”

  Ahnix crossed her arms. “And no doubt made stronger by the Heart fragment. There's more- she's writhing over a pool of lava.”

  “How do we fight something made of fire?” Roo asked, quietly.

  “With fire?” Mark suggested, trying to sound helpful.

  Vale ignored him and turned to Ahnix. “Could we get close enough to see the chamber without being invisible?”

  The cat-girl shrugged. “Probably, she seems fairly distracted.”

  They all crept forward slowly until the cave narrowed considerably. The heat was intense, and Mark wasn't sure if he was grateful for the breeze rushing past him or if the dry air was slowly cooking him. Eventually, the cave widened and came to a slight bend. Ahnix motioned for them to hug the wall and inch forward.

  Peeking around the curve, he could see the swirling shape of a woman suspended above the glowing pool of molten rock. The fire djinn had a black mask similar to Roo's, but it looked made of smoldering coal. She was holding a pulsating, red shard that he knew must be what they were here to find. She was rubbing it all over her shifting body, and he could feel the waves of ecstasy spewing outward. As she reached another climax, her body flared up, and some of the fire djinn's flames were sucked up into holes in the ceiling. The dry wind whistled past from the cave behind him, and Mark guessed the holes were vents that led up to the surface. Her orgasms might be what was causing the jets of flame they had to dodge on their way here.