System Ascension Read online

Page 20

Mark sank his cock all the way in until his thighs pressed against her soft-furred ass cheeks, and she moaned a deep purring groan as he filled her, again and again. Tightening his grip on her waist, he pulled out just far enough to give him enough room to really slam against her body.

  His balls swung forward with each thrust and both smooth, round globes took turns slapping her small bud of a swollen clitoris. Shadow Ahnix put her head down on her paws, and her breath caught in her clenched throat as Mark pummeled her. The cat-girl’s tail had been held up and curved away, but with each thrust it dropped lower and lower, eventually wrapping around one of his legs.

  Mark smiled and spanked her furry ass while he fucked her bad memories into oblivion. That surprise stimulation broke her sexual stun, but when his rod of skin slid against every wall of her vagina, and his solid nuts sharply slapped her clit, Ahnix began to let out weak, pleasure-soaked moans. Her whimpers of ecstasy only spurred him to concentrate on the speed, mass, and arc of his testicles as they impacted her hot bundle of nerves. He could practically see the jolts of electricity traveling through the large clitoral organ to her spine and then to light up the region behind her skull solely for experiencing ecstasy.

  With more physical accuracy than Mark figured he was capable of, he calculated the optimal trajectory for each slap of his balls and illuminated a Stimulate beam into her hips intended to ride the current up into her brain.

  The shadowy cat-girl began to half-drown in her own drool as Mark rammed her pussy and overloaded her pleasure center. This lasted for a good long while, her moans getting louder and louder as the pressure built up in both of them.

  Ahnix went first, her vagina throbbing around his dick- but it was her essence transfer that blew Mark’s circuits. With a series of involuntary grunts, Mark pumped a hot load of cum into Ahnix, and she shuddered with contentment.

  After taking a moment to catch his breath, Mark reluctantly pulled his dick out of her body. The physical unlinking from his love was too much to bear, and letting out a sigh, he got down to lie next to his midnight cat-girl.

  She crawled on top of him, and he was shocked to see her exotic Egyptian eye markings were back in place. He never saw it happen, but she was back to normal, and her round, black pupils looked deep into his eyes.

  “I will always love you, Mark.”

  She placed her perfect, small furry lips on his, and her kiss sent them rocketing up into outer space- landing them once again in the random item room. Ahnix was still in his arms. And he felt relief wash over him.

  “I love you too,” he said, kissing her small nose.

  She nuzzled her head on his chest. “I’m so glad that is over. I remember the looping- faintly. But when you came in… to save me. I will always remember it that way.”

  “I’m glad I got to beat the shit out of the man who hurt you.”

  After purring with her warm body pressed close for a few wonderful seconds, she pulled back and looked around.

  “Wait, where are the others? Where are we?” She stood up abruptly, her tail hopping.

  Mark pushed off the floor to join her. “We’re still inside Jezebel S3K’s system. I... uh, traded for the fusion plans and the location of the closest nano stuff.”

  Before she could ask any follow-up questions, he pulled up his inventory and tried to will the brown package over to her- and to his surprise, he felt its solid heft of the densely packed object in the palm of his hand. It was much heavier than it looked, for its size.

  She tipped her head forward to check out the box, her razor-cut black hair swinging forward.

  Her large eyes panned up to his. “What did you trade for this?”

  “Well, the big-ticket item would be the copy of my mind from before I met you.”

  There was no way he could ever keep anything from her. His brows came down a fraction of an inch when he realized that if Jezebel and Other Mark bonded half as strongly as he had with his girls… well, she wouldn’t be able to hide the truth forever.

  Ahnix just stared at him, her own mind tallying up the potential consequences. Mark continued.

  “The others are trapped in their own nightmares- like you were.”

  Ahnix took the package from Mark’s hand, and her eyes went wide.

  “Interesting, but we really won’t know until we open it. And we’ll talk later about the price. This sounds… complicated.”

  “Agreed. I could really use your help stopping Vale’s wedding.”


  “Yep. Then the three of us need to go to Roo’s party. You each have your own quests, it seems.”

  “They get parties, and I get tortured,” she said, putting her furry hands on her leather-clad hips. She sighed and looked around for the first time. “What is all of this?”

  “Storage, I guess. I have Vale and Roo’s core files in my inventory. Actually…”

  he trailed off as he checked his translucent interface pane and found Ahnix’s file was gone.

  “I’m kind of relieved that I don’t have your cage still in my inventory. But I do still have their items. I hope you come with when I go down a level.”

  Ahnix got a far-off look in her eye. “My cage…” she whispered.

  “He’s dead now. I’ll never let him hurt you again.”

  Her eyes snapped back to his, and her tail hopped once.

  “I know.” She took a deep breath and seemed to turn inward. “Jezebel’s mind replaying all the ways she would have saved that man… She must be an extremely powerful machine to generate so many different simultaneous simulated probabilities. The three of us were lost. Twisted. Her recursive loops were hypnotic and…” She shook her body as if she were shaking off water from her fur. “I think she was protecting you.”

  “Yeah, she seems to have a thing for humans.”

  Ahnix crossed her arms, her lidded eyes regarding him evenly- she was all business again.

  “Tell me about Vale’s nightmare. You were in already?”

  “Look at all these items I had to sort through. I found Roo first, then Vale. Then you, obviously.” The cat-girl scanned around the room, and he continued. “Roo seems to need both of you. She’s very sad that no one came to her party.”

  Ahnix’s tail hopped again. “I know, I can feel it. It’s like torture for her. So alone.”

  Mark sighed. “Vale seems to have been shipped off to a foreign king or something. Like an arranged marriage and everything’s shit.”

  “We have to help her run away?”

  Mark nodded. “I think so. Now I got killed once already in there. I did try and save her a few times, you know. Anyway, when we go in, we need to be quiet or guards will rush in, and they have abilities. The door will open in about thirty seconds and this hardcore, giant naga bitch comes, calls Vale ‘filth’ a few times, and then takes her away to be married to some dude named Lothar.”

  “Ambush the bitch?” Ahnix said, after a moment of thought.

  “I don’t think there are any consequences for dying so let’s give it a shot.”

  Mark opened his interface, looked at Ahnix and said, “I hope this works,” and then tapped Vale’s file.

  The universe zipped past his face, and he spun to face the giant naga bride before she could even speak. He scanned the room and saw that the black and gold cat-girl had followed him into Vale’s looping nightmare.

  “We’re here to rescue you,” he said, searching the room for anything useful he might have missed.

  The bride clasped both of her hands into her charcoal-colored breasts, squishing them outward. “I want to come with you and have fantastic adventures… but this is my life. It is my duty.”

  “Vale, do you remember me?” Ahnix said, waving her furry hand in the giant naga’s vivid eyes.

  “Of course, I know you. But you’re in danger. If they find you, they’ll kill you both.”

  “With nasty barbed spears,” Mark added, moving behind a table. “Ahnix, if we’re going ambush the bitch, we need to h
ide- now.”

  “Lothar’s mistress?” Vale asked.

  Ahnix nodded and then stepped up against the wall where the door would open and conceal her.

  Mark sent his cat-girl the clear mental message that she was the weapon in this ambush and that he would be lending her his power. She gave him a quick nod, her black tail hopping.

  Like before, the door opened, and Lothar’s nameless Mistress slithered into the room.

  “Ugh. You look like utter garbage, you horrid wench.”

  Ahnix hissed and shoved the iron door into the leather-clad giant naga. Mark followed her lead and Prioritized Ahnix in general, allowing her to activate Haste. She dashed around the door and slashed out a wicked series of rapid Wind Claws into the other woman.

  Lothar’s Mistress was tough, though and held up an arm to block the razor-sharp ribbons of energy. She countered with an impossibly swift claw attack of her own that the Overclocked Ahnix was able to dodge, but red claw marks burned the air where the boosted cat-girl had been a moment before.

  Mark knew the guards would be in to join the fight in moments, and used his Enhance ability to try and pull energy from Vale, and even Roo, but nothing happened.

  Ahnix and the leather-clad Mistress exchanged blows while the Hasted cat-girl danced around in a blur, and it was clearly a stalemate. However, the bitch had an ace up her sleeve and played it now, blasting Ahnix with a sonic scream attack.

  The rippling sound waves blew the smaller cat-girl backward through the open window like a broken toy, and Mark could feel her pain and terror as the jagged rocks below rushed up to meet her.

  He thought the loop would end there, and they would be ejected up a level, but Ahnix’s sudden and complete silence along their bond seriously worried him.

  “No…” Vale whispered, her hands clamped on the stone windowsill.

  “Hold!” the giant naga Mistress commanded the guards behind her to wait outside and then turned her blood-red eyes on Mark. “Losing a fight to a tiny Collector like you… Ha! Even with your mangy animal, you’d never have a hope. Even with the initiative, you-”

  “Fuck you,” Mark said, tired of her monologue, and then tapped the up-arrow in his interface, bringing him back out of the looping nightmare.

  After the universe whooshed by, he was infinitely glad to instantly feel Ahnix by his side. She put a hand to her head and steadied herself.

  “That was not pleasant.”

  “Sorry. Fighting these fuckers is going to be tough.”

  “Maybe we try the window,” Ahnix offered. “Get her out and escape into the night.”

  Mark didn’t respond. He clenched his fingers into a fist instead. No one talked to Vale like that, and he really wanted to beat that arrogant bitch down.

  And then it hit him, or rather, the concept of letting her hit him… hit him. He was going to abuse his newfound Retaliate/Heal combo as much as he could.

  Mark opened his mouth to tell Ahnix his plan when a much better plan took its place. Mark shut his jaw with an audible click, and a grin grew on his face.

  “Ahnix, we’re going back in. Just follow my lead.”

  She took a deep breath and nodded. The look in her half-lidded exotic eyes conveyed endless trust.

  Mark called up his menu and reentered Vale’s fear of a terribly arranged foreign marriage.

  “Mark!” his gorgeous giant naga whispered loudly. “Ahnix- what?”

  “Vale, you look absolutely stunning. I’m here to rescue you, and I will die a thousand deaths if that’s what it takes.”

  “But…” she said, her violet eyes reflecting fear. “I don’t want you to die. Please, go back home and let me just know you are still alive, somewhere...”

  “It’s okay, my love. Trust me.” He beamed her absolute confidence, and Vale nodded her head.

  “She’s coming. Just stand behind me,” Mark commanded.

  Both Vale and Ahnix got behind Mark just as the iron door was pushed open. He held his arms out to the side with his palms up, showing that he was unarmed.

  The leather-clad, red-eyed Mistress locked her focus on Mark and calmly entered the room.

  “Who do you think-?” she began, but Mark cut off her sneering voice.

  “I am called Mark. I am here to challenge King Lothar to single combat for the hand of Princess Vale Siv'Shyra.”

  - 17 -

  “Moments ago, my bride almost became the victim of a diabolical kidnapping plot, perpetrated by this human Collector and his Enthralled.”

  King Lothar pointed his finger at Mark’s chest. The giant naga monarch had to be at least a head taller than Vale. “Moments before this fiend was to be delivered a mercifully swift death, he invoked the challenge of single combat, with me, for the hand of my precious bride-to-be, Princess Vale of the Siv'Shyra.”

  The black-haired, pale-skinned king paused for dramatic effect, and Mark looked out into the sizable crowd of multihued giant naga. Most of the attendees began to laugh and murmur, others just stared forward, wide-eyed with excitement.

  “Is that not true love?” Lothar declared in a booming voice, and some of the royal wedding guests responded with uneasy chuckles. After a long look over at Mark with his blood-red pupils, the king pulled an ornate blue sash with sharply contrasting red runes up over his head and handed it to an attendant.

  Mark hoped he could avoid taking an instantly critical blow from this monster who probably was ten times his weight. Biceps the size of barrels flexed as Lothar reached up and pulled a crown made from polished onyx off his head and handed it to another attendant, then continued playing to the audience.

  “Who am I to deny such a request?’ He then turned to Vale who was positioned off to the side of the raised wooden stage. Mark noticed that both the king’s smug Mistress and Ahnix kept close to the wide-eyed bride. “My queen-to-be, I give the gift of Divine Justice to you on this, our very wedding night.”

  The muscular giant naga king was left wearing a metal-plated kilt that hung down from a thick leather belt. He shook out his fists and faced Mark.

  “Any last words?”

  Mark looked out over the crowd, catching some of their rapt eyes. They were expecting a boring ceremony, and now there was a fight over the royal bride. He turned his eyes to his own giant naga, Vale, packed into in a ceremonial white dress and intended for another man. Mark’s will to destroy these assholes became absolute and he turned his eyes to the red pupils of King Lothar.

  “Vale is mine. She always will be mine. And your foul whore of a Mistress is a nasty pile of garbage.”

  Mark heard the assembled court of royal wedding attendees gasp in unison and watched with barely contained horror as Lothar did exactly what Mark had hoped he would.

  In a blur of motion, the massive half-man, half-snake slithered forward, and Mark mentally readied his combo an instant before he was struck in the gut with a wrecking ball of a fist.

  It hurt. A lot. But it wasn’t enough to instantly wipe him out. King Lothar and his Mistress would have wanted to watch him suffer. Unfortunately for the king, however, Mark focused all the visceral force he had just been dealt into his Retaliate ability and channeled it outward- tenfold.

  The amount of energy that hit the giant naga turned his midsection into a hole and deposited most of his royal guts onto the wedding guests in the first few rows.

  Mark almost passed out from the pain cutting him in half but held on long enough to quickly channel his own damaged parts back into his body. It might have been his imagination, but the transfer seemed swifter this time.

  “No!” his Mistress yelled. Ahnix reacted quickly, jumping on her back and placing a sharp talon to her soft, white throat.

  “Remain still,” the cat-girl hissed into the giant naga’s ear.

  Lothar looked up from the gaping, dripping hole in his body and then slumped into a lifeless pile of snake meat. Most of the guests began to stampede out of the wedding hall, and one look from Mark caused the royal guards to th
row down their spears and desert their posts. With their powerful ruler instantly killed by this relatively tiny human, they had many reasons for finding another way to make a living.

  A blast of burning desire pulled Mark’s attention back to Vale. She was standing with her hand pressed on her cleavage, staring at him as if he were everything she had ever wanted.

  He caught Ahnix’s dark eyes as she held the dead king’s Mistress hostage and nodded once before he started walking toward Vale. He closed the distance to his chiseled beauty in a handful of strides. Without stopping, Mark reached up, grabbed her lacy neckline and ripped her pure white wedding dress right down the middle.

  Vale’s breath came quickly as Mark exposed her heavy round breasts for anyone who happened to still be hanging around. He was vaguely aware of the twenty or so royal wedding guests pausing to watch again, but he locked his eyes on Vale as he tore the rest of the elaborate garment to the floor.

  Mark reached out and put his palm right over the part on her hip where her smooth iridescent scales melded with her dark, flawless flesh.

  “Vale,” he said. “No one will ever be able to take you away from me. You are mine, and I will always be yours.”

  “Yes, master,” she said, her cheeks flush with heat.

  “Get on your back.”

  Vale moved quickly and laid her back on the wooden stage, her massive nipples with silver hoops, pointing outward. He could feel an echo of the cool air caress her black nipple flesh and knelt down by her side to rub his hands along their bumpy textured surfaces. The metal piercings grew colder quicker, and her nipples always became erect towers of sensitive skin whenever they were exposed. With gentle yet firm fingers, he fought off the cold with his warm hands.

  Vale moaned softly as he massaged her tits, and Mark turned to look over his shoulder. Lothar’s Mistress was sneering at him, but he caught the tiny little huff of erotic jealousy from her nostrils.

  He smiled a sinister smile as a potentially delicious series of events played out in his mind.

  “You,” Mark said and pointed a finger at her. He also began blasting a moderately-powerful Stimulate beam centered right where her pale, smooth flesh merged with her jet-black scales.