System Ascension Page 18
Mark tossed his black shirt over on top of Jezebel’s. He carefully stepped over a strawberry bush and pressed his bare chest against hers. The dark brown flesh of her saucer-sized areolas were especially warm softly pressed against his own relatively tiny nipples.
Jezebel’s large green eyes crossed a little to focus on his, and she let out a light yelp as he pulled her close with his strong arm around her waist. She knew he was experienced enough to melt her mind, and he felt her desire for that radiate from her taut, tan skin like a powerful electromagnet.
He paused his current sympathetic polarity for a moment, and the shift in his mood instantly got her attention.
Mark looked deep into her eyes, and he saw golden flecks of sunlight reflected to him within a glassy emerald expanse. Jezebel’s darker eyebrows arched with trepidation. The AI’s emotions genuinely vibrated along a positive frequency, and Mark fancied himself a fairly proficient empath.
“We have a deal,” Mark whispered. “But if I find out you have harmed my girls, or are tricking me somehow… there will be no end to the wrath I will bring.”
She nodded slowly and sincerely, biting her lower lip. Her feathery white wings fluttered behind her and sweet strawberry bliss rushed into his nostrils. She was trying to restrain her happiness.
Mark took a step back and put one of his warm hands on her collarbone. He kept his eyes focused on his movements and slowly slid his fingertips across her skin, following the firm round curve of her breast. The palm of his hand barely covered her broad, flat nipple and he paused here for a moment.
He looked up into her freckled face. “You are truly beautiful, Jezebel.”
The moment he said her name, he channeled a base-level Stimulation beam directly into her soft breast through his palm.
A surprised moan escaped her pink lips, and Mark could see himself spending some time with this angelically cute creature. He kept his palm on her chest as he slid the fingers of his other hand through her wavy hair on the back of her head. He closed his eyes as he pulled her beautiful face to his.
Their lips touched, and she went right to making tight kissing noises as she embraced him. He could tell she was a bit inexperienced with making out, so he let her continue her frantic puckering pecks while he only let his mouth fall open slightly.
She realized he was not mimicking what she was doing and slowed her pace. Once she was relaxed enough, Mark began to slowly nibble her lower lip, savoring every inch as if it were his last meal. She melted in his arms and ran her fingers along the skin on his back.
Slowly, he showed her how to express passion through careful, longing motions, and she was a fast learner.
Mark moved his palm from Jezebel’s round handful of flesh and down along her flat, soft stomach, channeling erotic power into her the whole way. Eventually, his hand passed over the transition from her smooth skin to the sleek, soft fur of her abdomen. Unfazed, he continued down her firm body and placed his hand on her warm pussy.
Silky, sable doe fur covered her lips, and they eagerly parted for his ability-assisted fingers. He just held his hand over her outer labia, radiating her whole crotch with glowing ecstasy, and she moaned into his mouth.
He flicked her lips with his tongue while they kissed and slid one finger into her folds at the same time, causing her to shudder with excitement. Slowly he pulled his wet finger out and took a step away from her.
Before she could even wonder what was happening, he brought his finger to his lips and licked her sweet juice off its tip.
“Yup. Time to taste the merchandise,” he said, getting on his knees in the soft, loose dirt.
As the morning sun warmed their skin, Mark beckoned Jezebel closer. She smiled as she turned to look down at the rows of strawberries and shyly clomped forward until her fur-covered hips were in range.
Mark reached out and wrapped his hands around her plump, doe thighs and pulled her crotch to his mouth.
Bending forward a little and angling his head up, he nuzzled his lips into her wet pussy. Her inner and outer labia were the same dark brown as her nipples, but being this close as he was, he was able to see a secret, hot-pink interior. He buried his face into her vagina and breathed in her strong fruity scent.
He could definitely work with this.
Mark ran his fingers over her firm, sable-furred ass as he kissed, licked and munched on her dark lips. The honey-blonde satyr reached down and ran her fingers through his hair, encouraging him to dig deep. Mark obliged and pressed his cheeks into her thick, soft-furred thighs and extended his tongue deep into her body. His nose rubbed her swollen brown clit as he licked the walls of Jezebel’s sweet, dripping vagina.
Her pussy seemed to swell up when she became aroused, and the dark rubbery lips began to throb with desire. Time seemed to stand still as he got lost in her heavenly crotch, but eventually her breathing became panting and her swollen lips began to quiver against his face with an approaching orgasm.
Mark smiled and pulled away. Her frustrated whimper was what he was looking for.
“Oh… What?” she asked.
“Join me,” he said, pulling off his pants and beckoning her to the ground. “I want you to get on top.”
Breathing heavily, she looked down at his stiff erection. “I’ve never…”
“I figured, but I think you’ll like it that way better.” She was not an experienced lover. Also, he could tell that her wings would make lying on her back slightly uncomfortable.
The AI shaped like a sexy satyr lifted one black hoof and carefully straddled Mark in the middle of the dirt between rows. She looked a little apprehensive, and Mark raised his hands up for hers.
“Take my hands… good. Now just squat.”
Jezebel did what she was told and found that the bend of her doe legs made this easy; she held on to Mark’s arms for support and lowered her ass to his rigid cock.
Jezebel’s tight stomach constricted as his bulbous head parted her hanging brown lips, and she let out a low moan as she slid all the way down his length. Her warm, doe thighs touched his legs and then she pushed back upward. Her powerful haunches spasmed as she took him deep inside her, again and again. After she had a good rhythm going, Mark pulled her forward, and she was forced to drop onto her knees. Her soft breasts swung in his face as his penis pressed into a different part of her aching vaginal wall.
Using his hands, he grabbed her ample ass and showed her how to rock her hips. She quickly learned how to grind her crotch into his pelvis for optimal stimulation, and he rewarded her with activating his pleasure beams again- full power.
Jezebel gargled on her own saliva as she undulated her pelvis into his, smashing her clit into the base of his cock. He licked at her dark, wide nipples as they moved around above him and got lost in her unique splatter of freckles across her chest. Her rich, caramel-streaked hair fell around them, and he was bathed in a mellow strawberry haze.
They fucked for so long that Mark’s dick felt like it was getting pruned from her gushing juices, and he was impressed that she could go this far. Denying her orgasm before was partly to blame, but she was a tough nut to crack. Mark loved a challenge.
It took reaching down and blasting erotic Stimulation into her brown puckered asshole before she sat up and started clenching down on his dick with a tremendous, screaming orgasm.
Mark wondered how long Other Mark would take before finding that magic button. The faun-like satyr began laughing a pleasant series of chuckles and flexed her wings as the last of the spasms wracked her body. Mark tightened the muscles on his cock still buried deep in her vagina, and she spasmed with each motion. She got up onto her hooves, his dick slipping out of her with a gush of pussy juice.
“Simply astounding. This data will be invaluable.”
“Where do you think you’re going?” Mark asked, arching an eyebrow up at her. She turned her distant green eyes down to focus on his. A twitch of his dick caught her eye.
“Suck it clean,” Mark ordered, and h
er blush was so red it reached all the way down to her cleavage.
“After it’s been inside?”
“Yes. Come taste your pussy.”
She clomped over by his feet and got on her stomach between his legs, pressing her fat tits into the soft, sun-heated soil. She licked her lips and then her small pink tongue came out and flicked his dick. She pulled slickness from her own body into her mouth, and Mark felt the tingle of tasting forbidden fruit wash over her. She wanted more.
She kissed the head of his cock a few times, licking her lips in between- and then just went for it. Jezebel slid his throbbing head into her warm mouth and started to roll it around on her tongue.
Her lips made little sucking noises as she gobbled on the tip of his dick, and her cute little moans were really doing it for him. The satyr’s tongue was extra warm for some reason, and when she rubbed it on the underside of his swollen, taut head, it was magical.
She started going deeper, and her horns began to rub on either side of his stomach, but he didn’t mind. An angel with doe legs was testing how far she could shove his cock into her throat- some horns were bound to get in the way.
Jezebel S3K started playing with his balls as she rhythmically engulfed his penis. The not-quite-painful tingles radiated from his gut every time her lips grazed past the head of his penis, and it was over for him. Mark squirted a shot into the back of her throat, and her feathery wings jutted outward in surprise. Jezebel’s eyelids came down in ecstasy as he pumped his seed into her mouth.
She surprised him by thrusting out her hand, taking his and placing it firmly around her horn. Mark didn’t hesitate, he grabbed onto both and pulled down, shoving his spurting cock even deeper into her throat.
Her slightly upturned nose squished into his abdomen, and he felt her try to moan around the rod of flesh curved in her throat as she reached another orgasm of her own- with no vaginal stimulation. Just by deepthroating his dick.
Oh… Fresh Mark was going to be just fine.
She tapped his thigh, and he instantly let Jezebel’s solid, curved horn go. She pulled his dick past her lips and looked up at him with glazed-over watery eyes framed by soft brown freckles.
“That was the best. Ever,” she gasped.
Mark was breathing heavily from his own intense orgasm. “Yeah, and it will be for a while. The essence will be nice, but I’m not going to know much about sex. You’re going to have to teach me.”
What he was saying right now was so fucking insane. He briefly thought he should be screaming- but he had a few worlds to save first.
“I’m really looking forward to many, many lessons,” the AI satyr said, wiping her mouth with her forearm.
“Okay,” Mark said sitting up. “It’s been great, but seeing as we both have a lot to do…”
Jezebel S3K gave him a sly grin and held out her small hand with a brown paper package, tied up with string. Her gold-flecked emerald eyes shifted to the object in her hand with surprise.
“I just adore physical objects. They have such a great… feel. You know?”
“Oh…” Mark said, his eyes drawn to her bare breast, half-covered with a smooth, brown nipple. “I know.” He finished putting on his shirt and took the package from Jezebel. It promptly faded into digital dust.
“Um, how do I…?” he asked, looking at his empty hand.
“It’s in your inventory,” Jezebel said as if that meant something. “There is a lot of data packed into that small file, don’t open it until you log off. Hold still.”
“For what?” Mark asked, his eyes shifting from the package to the third most powerful research computer in the world.
“This,” she said. He blinked, and she continued. “That took way longer than I expected.”
“Wait, did you-”
“Copy you? Yes. I am going to make a whole new game world for us to explore. It’ll take some time but you’ll… he’ll love it.”
Mark swallowed hard. The less he knew about this, the better.
“How long was I out?”
“Only a few more hours.”
Mark nodded. “Great. Can I see my girls now?”
“Yes. Your three loves are waiting in one of my storage drives. Now, I should warn you-”
Mark took one more step closer, his fists clenching. He did not like how this was starting. Jezebel’s large green eyes widened.
“Relax, I did everything I could to untangle them after the… unpleasantness caused by my madness. The ordeal has left them stuck in minor recursive loops around their native NPC character cores.”
He took another step closer and suddenly he wanted to choke the life out of her, but he restrained himself. Information first.
“You knew I wouldn’t understand that. Tell me exactly is wrong with them.”
“They are daydreaming. Find them, see what’s keeping them from waking up, and they’ll be fine. Trust me. You’re the best person to get through to them and break the cycle anyway. Good luck! I’ve got a world to build and my fresh new Mark to play with.”
And with a tiny audible pop- she was gone.
Mark sighed. “What have I done?”
His vision dimmed, and he found himself suddenly standing among a multitude of random objects on an equal number of tables and shelves. He was on a raised stairway that looked down on what could be considered a tightly packed museum or hoarder’s house.
Mark could feel his girls were close but didn’t see them among the haphazard tables randomly strewn with unique objects.
“Ahnix!” Mark called, taking a step down on to the stone slab ground. “Vale, Roo!”
There was only silence.
His eyes scanned the nearest table as he approached it. They settled on an umbrella with a wooden handle carved to resemble a giraffe’s head, then a clothes hanger made from what appeared to be bones, then a painter’s palette with five glowing daubs of obviously magic paint.
“The fuck…” he whispered. Looking to nearby tables he saw a pair of shoes made from a dull-gray metal, a watering can in the shape of a cow, a white, stuffed… doll.
Mark’s eyes locked on the vaguely humanoid shape as he moved around a table in the way. Without a second thought, he reached out and picked the object up.
The crudely stitched toy faded from existence and his fingers curled around what he knew had to be Roo. He still felt her connection, and it was stronger than it had been recently- but she seemed distracted.
Mark tried opening his interface menu and saw that he now had a section under ‘Skills’ labeled ‘Inventory’. It contained two text entries:
S3K Fusion
TCH-U Core Matrix [fabric_construct.001]
“Okay,” Mark said to himself as he read the filenames. “Roo, how do I get you?”
He reached his hand out to touch her file, and violent winds blasted him from below. It felt like he was falling at the speed of light- but it was over almost before it began, and he was standing in a dining room with his treasured velvet-girl.
Mark’s eyes lit up. “Roo!” he shouted as he ran over to where she was sitting. She jumped up when she saw him and ran into his arms. Her soft, supple body pressed into his, and he almost squeezed her stuffing out.
“Where are the others?” she asked, pulling back.
“I don’t know. But I’m pretty sure-”
Roo’s smile instantly dropped. “I knew they weren’t going to come.” She turned around and plopped back down on the old, dusty chair.
“What?” Mark said, looking around for the first time. He was in Roo’s house dimension, but as if it were back to being decayed and ravaged by time. There was a long dining table with four chairs, and neat places set for each- complete with assigned seats. Little folded pieces of paper held each of their four names with red hearts added in for decoration. In the center was a delicious-looking pink cake with bright red cherries caught in the creamy crests of sugary frosting.
“I made it special for my party, but no one came
He looked over at the masked construct and saw a tear roll out of her black eye and down her mask. She was just staring at the wooden table, her head tilted downward.
“Roo- Fuck the party. How do we get out of here?”
A chasm formed in the velvet-girl’s heart with such intensity it almost killed Mark. She just looked at him, her mouth working as she fought the sea of sorrow churning behind her mask.
“Just go!” she screamed and then continued in a low monotone voice that hurt him to hear. “I’m meant to be alone. I’ll always be alone. If they cared, they’d have come to my party. But no one came to my party.”
Mark was getting more than a little nervous about how she was behaving. He looked around the room for any hint about what he was supposed to do here and noticed that there were no doors. The strong sense that they were in a universe with just one dining room in it made his mind reel. What now?
“I came, Roo…” he said, walking over to her.
“Mark! You came!” She sprung up again, her black eyes twinkling with joy. She gave him a big kiss, and he drank her happiness in as if it could grant eternal life. She pulled away abruptly and searched the room behind him.
“Where are the others?” she asked, her smile fading. Mark tried to hold her for a little longer, but she pushed away from him.
“They don’t care about me. No one cares…”
Mark took a breath and searched the room again. Jezebel said they were daydreaming- bullshit. This had to end, now. He remembered her saying something about them being in a loop and that he needed to figure out how to wake them up? The place cards with their names written in flourishes of black ink drew his eye. Did he just need to bring the others here?
Mark opened his interface and noticed that there was a blue, glowing arrow pointing upward, near the bottom right side. It certainly had never been there before, and when he focused on it, more white text emerged from behind it.
“Change Directory ..”