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Enthralled: Book 2: Picking Up the Pieces Page 18

  Weeping, she yelled, “Master! Please let me cum!”

  He was close himself, and he thought she held out long enough. He reached a hand down to her spasming ab muscles and unleashed a full powered enhancement directly into her previously located g-spot.

  “Vale, cum for your master!”

  Maddening pleasure gripped her harder than it ever had before. She shoved her tail deep, smashing his cock against the top of her pussy while the muscles inside clenched down around it.

  He almost couldn't pump out his cum through all the pressure, but shifting his angle a little did the trick. He unloaded the last of his sperm and essence deep inside her.

  Vale screamed out the trapped orgasm she had been forced to hold, her entire body convulsing- including the tail that was still in her pussy. Its jerking movements fed into more vaginal stimulation, feeding into more jerking.

  Mark just held on for the ride, his own pleasure reaching new heights as his cock was stroked, squeezed and vibrated by the giant naga's convulsions.

  Vale's whole body tensed, solid as a rock, her eyes rolling into her head, and then she passed out. She went limp, and her tail slurped from her pussy and out onto the bed.

  He heard a soft slapping noise behind him and turned to see Ahnix clapping slowly for him.

  “Now that was impressive.”

  - 14 -

  Vale wove her armored body across the dried grass, her vibrant eyes holding on each of the naga soldiers she passed.

  “The enemy that lies on the other side of these tears is no different from the holes in the world standing before you.” She paused to point towards the blotches of swirling white noise spread across the field behind her back. “It is our duty to stop them from reducing the world to ash. It is our duty to stop them from growing more powerful. It is our duty to stop them before they can hurt our people. Today, back home in the empire, blacksmiths will hammer out shields, bakers will craft delicious pastries, and barmaids will serve frothy ale to lecherous bastards. As we fight so they can continue to live their lives all of them are within all of us. We are all in this together, and as one, we can accomplish anything!”

  She turned to Mark briefly before looking out over the platoon she was personally leading into battle. “For the Siv'Shyra Empire!”

  They were far enough away from the Magi Camp to disperse the clamorous cheer that went up from the twenty-five, elite, giant naga warriors, and Mark lent his voice to theirs. His violet-eyed beauty in celestial armor nodded, and it was time for Mark and his Enthralled to do their part.

  The four of them spread out and took up positions near the four remaining tears that blocked the path to the Magi Clan encampment in front of the ancient fire temple. Earlier that morning, Mark and his girls cleared a handful of the smaller blobs of corruption that littered this side of the vast, sun-baked plains. The air was cool, but the sun beat down violently, hurting Mark's eyes. The Eastern Veld was an intensely empty, flat plane of brittle blades of grass struggling to taste water under the cloudless azure sky.

  The main forces, led by Commander Kital should just about be starting their feint attack. The intent was to draw most of the Boomers out, and away from, precision attack lead by Princess Vale.

  Roo was on the far end, where they expected the least combat. Then came Ahnix, Mark, and Vale. The naga soldiers clustered behind Vale were armed with shields and huge quivers of throwing spears attached to their backs.

  Vale peeked around her tear and surveyed what was happening out on the main field of battle. After a moment, she raised her hand, making a circular motion.

  It was time. All four of them stuck their arms into the swirling buzzsaw of corruption blocking their way and willed the world to become whole again.

  Instantly, all four tears disappeared, and Mark got a clear view of the Magi Clan encampment.

  It looked remarkably similar to the naga encampment. Brown, leather tents clustered into groups on brown grass. To the left was a red, stone outcropping with an eerie flame floating above the highest point. The ball of fire was completely detached from anything and had no apparent source of fuel.

  Mark's eyes shifted downward, towards the entrance and saw something that caused his stomach to drop down to his ankles.

  Galloping right towards Roo was a Boomer. The armored centaur's hooves tore up the grass as it moved to intercept their surprise attack. Wielding two, dented slabs of metal held under its chin, and carrying a black, winged creature on its back, the unexpected pair were a serious kink in their plan.

  Just as he was about to shout out a warning to everyone, someone else beat him to it.

  “Boomers!” Called out Vale, pointing to her right as three more of the heavily armored, artillery units raced towards them from the front of the Magi Clan camp.

  Apparently, they hadn't sent every one of them out to meet the main naga army, but they were spread apart by about fifty yards. They must have been held back to cover the edges and prevent sneak attacks just like theirs.

  Thinking fast, Mark leveled his crossbow on the moving target threatening his velvet-girl, tracked slightly ahead and squeezed the trigger. The rapidly moving ball detonated uselessly on one the centaur's massive shields, but he had gotten their attention.

  The Boomer team that Mark attacked launched a fireball at him as the one closest to Vale hurtled another fireball at the group of Naga soldiers behind her.

  Mark reacted by enveloping himself with a magic shield and the veteran, naga soldiers came together, quickly creating a shield wall to weather the explosion.

  From inside the magic shell, he heard Roo scream out, “Horrible Hooks!” targeting the solo Boomer coming her way. The metal fish hooks shot forward, two of them bouncing off of the centaur's armor, not finding purchase, but two others ripped the smaller fire mage off of the centaur's back.

  Mark dropped his magic bubble and got a good look at the gargling dragonkind, writing on the ground with metal lodged in its wing and throat.

  It was hard to tell at this distance, but the creature appeared to be a small, black, humanoid dragon. It had horns, pointed ears, a long tail, and a snout.

  Mark's morbid fascination with the dying creature was interrupted by the leading centaur from Vale’s side running past him in a blur of black armor. The three intact Boomers that charged towards them were pulling drive-bys, in a wide-spaced line formation. As they rode past they unleashed a constant torrent fireballs at the of group of naga soldiers, keeping them locked down and huddled under their shields.

  The first one in the line changed targets and launched a fireball at the completely exposed Roo. Mark felt a flash of terror as he realized he was out of options.

  Just before the impact, Ahnix appeared next to the fabric girl, grabbed her and activated Retract, pulling her out of harm's way and leaving only a patch of charred grass.

  To Mark's right, Vale targeted the second centaur in the formation with her Hateful Sting ability. The centaur shook his helmeted head as the red glow enveloped his body.

  He altered his trajectory, breaking the line formation and headed right for Vale.

  As this was happening, Ahnix sprinted to intercept the last Boomer in the line of three. The fire mage on his back launched a fireball at Ahnix who quickly squatted and sprang forward, dodging the explosion with a nimble dive-roll.

  The glowing red centaur slammed into Vale with an impact that sounded like a train hitting a bolder. Vale's legendary armor held fast, and her Shield Bash slammed into the centaur square in his jaw, breaking bones and inflicting a nasty stun. The dragonkind on his back who had been shouting at his hex-affected partner was thrown clear over his mount's head, landing right in front of the huddled naga soldiers.

  The naga broke their shield formation and quickly impaled the poor creature, killing him instantly.

  By this time, Ahnix had intercepted the Boomer team she was after. She stood directly in front of the centaur's path and launched herself into the air with her powerfu
l legs and screamed, “Doom Kick!” as she extended her left foot to meet them head-on.

  Her attack traced a black line through both creatures, and in a gory mess, both mount and rider were sliced in half. Mark could only stare again, in morbid horror, as she separated the man from the horse and the dragonkind's head from his body.

  “Mark!” Roo shouted next to him, bringing him back into focus. “Hit my needle!”

  Mark blinked once and then quickly held up his ring, targeting her familiar, polished needle ability, and tried to give it an intense orgasm with his mind.

  Arcs of lighting connected with her wrists as thick golden rings of power condensed around her. He was getting better at this.

  The velvet-girl's eyes fluttered as she tried to deal with the pleasure coursing through her lithe body. She brought up her hand and tracked something behind Mark. He turned to look as she braced her hand by grabbing her forearm. The first Boomer team from the line formation was coming around for another pass, but before anyone was within the fire mage's range, Roo launched a massive, iron needle from her hand the size of a tree, sending her flying backward into the grass.

  They had used this trick to defeat a dragon before, and when the fifteen-foot missile impacted the centaur, it's momentum caused it to punch through his shield and into his chest. It penetrated both the centaur and the dragonkind on its back, locking them together for the rest of their extremely short lives.

  The naga soldiers behind them sent up a unified cheer as the last of the Boomers that stood in their way fell motionless to the ground. The single, riderless centaur Roo had targeted earlier with her hooks galloped back into the camp, either to partner up with another fire mage or to help defend the temple entrance.

  “Move!” Vale commanded, spurring everyone to sprint forward. Mark turned his head as he ran and saw the black smoke and blossoming explosions of the Magi Clan pounding on the main naga army. They needed to get into the temple before any of them realized what was happening or their secret force would be caught between a rock and an army of laughing, mounted fire mages.

  Mark eye's darted around as his girls and the contingent of Naga warriors passed by the first tent of the enemy's encampment. After banking around a larger tent that looked to be a mess hall, they came upon a dozen dragonkind standing in a group, facing out toward the main battle.

  Mark slid to a halt and got his first close-up look at the creatures. They stood at about five feet tall with glossy, black scales covering every part of their body that he could see. The rest of the dragonkind’s body was covered by studded leather armor.

  There were male and females in this group, and they looked more like fighters than mages. The women had breasts and smaller horns but longer ears. They all had tails and leathery wings that didn't seem big enough to grant them flight.

  One of the females sensed something was off. She turned her head to look at the group, and Mark could see long lashes over yellow, snake-like eyes. Her face was shaped almost like a doe's but covered in shiny, black scales. He was shocked by how stunningly beautiful this creature was. Her snout pulled back into a snarl that never made a sound as the whole group was efficiently and effectively impaled by the naga soldier's throwing spears. He watched her face turn from rage to terrible surprise as the light of life left those beautiful eyes.

  The instant after they had tossed the ranged weapons, the blue-hued, giant naga quickly and calmly retrieved their spears from the dragonkind corpses. Mark was unnerved, but he shook it off. Both he and his girls would be burned alive if he faltered now.

  They raced through the rest of the camp, quickly dealing with one or two enemies at a time as they came across them.

  They pushed forward, and Mark could see the cave entrance to the temple in the rock formation ahead of them. He could also see a Boomer and four other fire mages, wrapped in red robes and hoods, become aware him. The moment the mages detected the threat, all four of them launched a jet of billowing flames into the air, crossing about thirty feet up. It must be a planned signal that there was trouble at the temple.

  Mark felt rather than saw Roo stumble at the sight of the towering inferno. He also felt her clamp down on those feelings and renew her determination. He was proud of her.

  He slowed his pace for a moment until he was running alongside the velvet-girl.

  He held up his ring and got her attention. “Think you can hit all of them at once?”

  Her black eyes twinkled, and she turned back to look at the line of fire mages spread apart, guarding the entrance. She nodded once, and Mark performed his first running enhancement.

  Locating her ability was easy, but he wanted to augment her aim and number of projectiles. He envisioned wrapping his arms around a bouquet of iron needles, pulling them in close to his chest. He soulfully kissed the bundle, in his mind's eye, like he would if he had Roo in his arms. He isolated that feeling of love and passion for her ability and channeled it at her.

  She inhaled sharply as her hands began to glow so bright that everyone nearby had to shield their eyes. Roo pushed past the pleasure pouring into her, put her head down and pumped her long legs into the stiff grass, sprinting forward.

  When she pulled far enough ahead of the group, she jumped high into the air and spun rapidly like a figure skater going for perfect tens, her leather skirt flaring out. The world seemed to shift into slow-motion, and Mark watched in awe as four, three-foot needles sped right past the Boomer that was galloping towards them and directly into four fire mage hearts, killing them instantly.

  Mark was distracted by Ahnix disappearing from his side, and he searched around looking for where she went. When the fire mage on the centaur's back fell lifeless to the ground, he had his answer.

  The armored horse-man tossed one of his shields away, trying to reach behind him in an attempt to remove the unwanted rider. He tried to buck Ahnix off, his massive hind legs launching his posterior upward. Mark caught a glimpse of her holding on to his back and saw a blue flurry of lines as she activated Assault Rush directly into his spine.

  The centaur died galloping, and he tumbled forward, crashing face first into the ground. Ahnix used the momentum of his forward collapse to launch off his haunches and land gracefully on the ground in front of Roo as the massive creature behind her somersaulted spectacularly, thick hooves flailing like a lifeless rag-doll until the body slid to a stop, inches from his magnificent Enthralled.

  The naga contingent under Princess Vale's command looked dumbfounded at the madness they had just witnessed for a moment before breaking out into clapping and cheering.

  The black and gold desert queen rose to her full height and grabbed Roo's soft hand. Ahnix looked at Roo and tilted her head slightly. The masked velvet-girl seemed to pick up the intent as they then both bent over simultaneously and bowed deeply before their adoring fans.

  Mark smiled and shook his head. Vale waited a bit, letting everyone have this moment before she held her black, gauntleted hand up into the air.

  “Let's move out!”

  The soldiers uniformly stuck their chests with their fists and followed her towards the opening in the rock that led to the fire temple.

  The sandstone cave was wide enough for three of the giant naga to fit side by side. Mark and Vale led the way with Ahnix, Roo and the rest of the naga behind them. After the first bend, they came upon something Mark didn't expect. A massive, fully armored dragonkind, sat filling the cave. He looked more fat than anything and rumbled with laughter when they stopped a few yards in front of him.

  “Greetings!” He bellowed, his deep voice booming off the walls. “Journey's over I'm afraid.”

  The grotesque creature looked like a perversion of the dragonkind he had seen outside. Where they were short and agile, this creature was humongous and round. The banded metal armor covering his body was undoubtedly a custom job.

  If they didn't figure a way to move this pile of meat and metal clogging the cave, the main army-

  “Back u
p,” Vale said, scattering Mark's dark thoughts. The naga soldiers obediently started to back away as Vale pointed her finger out at the massive dragonkin.

  She started to sing a pleasing yet haunting melody before it grew off-key and angry. She screeched the last few notes, and a red glow engulfed the fat creature wedged in the tunnel, and his stubby snout changed from a smug grin to a hateful snarl.

  His tiny, yet muscular feet scrabbled against the floor as he dislodged himself from the rock and pushed forward, trying to get his relatively small, armored hands around Vale's neck.

  They all backed up the way they came, the tunnel widening as they went. Eventually, the creature was outside the tunnel and Vale turned to her men.

  “Destroy him.”

  The naga soldiers surrounded the rotund dragonkind and ended his unfortunate life with an onslaught of spears. After it was over, she moved to the mouth of the cave and faced the platoon of Naga warriors.

  “Your mission is over. You fought well, and your commander will hear of your flawless service.”

  They all hit their chests with their first, but Mark could tell that a lot of them didn't want to leave. The soldiers were only intended to help the breach the temple, and it was up to Mark and his Enthralled to take out the Magi Clan leader, Rezura. They were to escape with Roo's door afterward. When the main army discovered the corpse of their leader, they would just have to sit back and wait and watch the inevitable implosion.

  With nods to Mark, Roo, and Ahnix, the soldiers turned and wove their way back towards the field of tears they had cleared up, heading to rejoin the main force.

  Time was critical now, they had to find and slaughter Rezura before the army came back and overwhelmed them.

  They reentered the cave leading into the ancient fire temple, and it twisted downward as they went. Along the porous, sandstone walls were torches resting in iron sconces driven into the rock, black soot burned into the orange stone above them. In some places, there were what looked like carvings of snake-people arranged around a large depiction of a flame with white eyes and a grinning mouth.