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Enthralled: Book 2: Picking Up the Pieces Page 16

  She passed him the wooden cup and flexed her hand to show him. In the darkness of the pantry, he could see a throbbing blue glow emitting from her silvered claws. “I should be able to slice through dragonhide now.”

  He looked into her exotic eyes, and she looked back up at him, her head still tilted downward.

  “You are probably the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.”

  “Probably?” she said, her tail hopping once.

  He tossed the cup aside and pulled her into a deep kiss, his hands running through her short, sleek fur. They were interrupted when Vale cleared her throat from outside the pantry.

  “Let's go, you two. I'd like to approach the Commander before nightfall.”

  Ahnix pulled away from Mark, and he saw her small pink tongue dart out to lick her lips.

  “Back to work, Lover,” she said before turning to follow Vale to the map room. He watched her firm butt press against her tight leather shorts as she left. With a sigh, he picked up the cup and joined his Enthralled in the map room. The black, wooden door just finished emerging as he entered. Vale reached out a mailed hand and pulled open the door.

  She slid out into the dim twilight, and Mark heard her say, “Hold!” in her most commanding voice. He peeked through the door and saw Vale's mystical, black armor reflecting orange firelight. He squinted his eyes and made out a ring of heavily armored naga all leveling their spears at her.

  After a few quickening heartbeats, he saw them slowly lower their weapons, and Vale turned to beckon her companions to come through the door.

  When Mark stepped out onto the dry grass, he saw Roo had created the doorway next to a blazing fire-pit in the middle of a naga military camp. Blue-hued soldiers in various states of readiness encircled them, and more were arriving by the second.

  After Ahnix and Roo joined him on the other side, the door vanished, and Vale spoke again.

  “I am Princess Vale Siv'Shyra, and I have come to meet with Commander Kital.”

  Mark heard murmuring among the soldiers and could only make out a few words. Most of them were regarding the legendary armor she wore.

  One of the soldiers wove his body forward from the rest, gave a short bow and spoke.

  “Of course, my princess. I am Lieutenant Saris. Follow me, and I will show you to the command tent.”

  “Thank you, Lieutenant,” Vale said, moving towards the giant naga called Saris. Mark knew he should let Vale do all the talking, and he was perfectly fine with everyone thinking she was in charge.

  The sun had just slipped past the horizon, but the sky was still a deep blue, and Mark could see rows of canvas tents and hundreds of blue naga as they followed their escort through the camp. Lieutenant Saris moved quickly, and Mark, Roo and, Ahnix almost had to jog to keep up. He wondered if Vale slowed herself down when she was around her smaller companions. Saris looked over his shoulder at Vale and spoke.

  “That was quite an entrance, your highness. I can imagine the strategical advantage such a magic doorway would provide.”

  “You are correct. Our mission takes us to every corner of this world. The advantages are immeasurable.”

  “Word has spread to us on the front lines. The soldiers are inspired by tales of your feats, your highness.”

  Vale only nodded in response, but he could feel a swirl of emotions envelope her like a tornado. Embarrassment, pride, fear and resolve all battled for dominance.

  They finally came to a gray pavilion so large it resembled a circus tent. There were a few soldiers standing guard outside the entrance and one slid up when he saw who was approaching.

  “Alert the Commander that Her Highness, Princess Vale Siv'Shyra is here to speak with her,” ordered Lieutenant Saris.

  The guard made a fist, struck his chest plate and turned to enter the tent. They didn't have to wait long before the guard came halfway out and held the tent flap open.

  “Please, right this way, Your Highness,” he said.

  Before moving forward, Vale clasped hands with Saris. Her armor didn't retract, and his eyes almost bulged out of his head as he looked down at the ethereal plates contacting his skin. Mark could sense he was beyond thrilled to be able to touch the legendary Star Scale Mail.

  “Keep up the excellent work, Lieutenant. We're all in this together.”

  He looked back up into her violet eyes and nodded. She dropped her arm back to her side and led them into the command tent.

  - 13 -

  “Vale!” a beautiful, red-hued naga called out as she wove herself from behind a huge table with maps sprawled across its surface. Commander Kital undulated right up to Vale and wrapped her arms around her. As she leaned her chin over Vale's shoulder, she locked her ruby red eyes right on Mark's. She had a gorgeous, heart-shaped face, blazing orange hair, and full, red lips. A wave of intense interest struck him, and Mark felt she could possibly be enthralled.

  Kital pulled back and looked Vale over from head to toe, a wide smile on her face.

  “The Star Scale Mail, Enthralled to a Lover, and the power to close the tears in our world. You are one lucky bitch, you know that?”

  “I do, actually,” Vale said, tapping the gem on her forehead. The fiery-haired naga watched as the aforementioned armor retracted back up into the circlet, exposing her pure-white hair and much of her charcoal gray skin. Vale turned and held her hand out behind her.

  “This is Mark, Ahnix, and Roo. Everyone, this is one of my closest childhood friends, Kital.”

  The commander pushed herself forward and extended her hand to Mark first. He noticed she was wearing a similar, gauzy wrap that covered her breasts in the same fashion he saw within the naga empire. They were much smaller than Vale's, the smallest he had seen on any giant naga so far. She had smaller hips too, but her stomach was just as ripped as Vale's. Right below the ruby jewelry that pierced her deep navel was a copper plated belt that held up a leather skirt. She had rosy pink skin and bright red scales.

  He took her large hand and smiled. “It's great to meet a friend of Vale's. I'd love to hear some embarrassing stories sometime.”

  Kital's face was made for bright smiles, and she shone one on him now.

  “I'm sure that can be arranged.” Her eyes lingered on his and then she moved over to face Ahnix.

  Commander Kital bowed her head deeply. “An honor, your grace.”

  Mark felt pride beam out of his cat-girl like a supernova, but looking at her frown and the small nod she gave in response, you would never be able to tell.

  She moved over to Roo, and the velvet-girl already had her hand out.

  “I am very pleased to meet you!” Roo said, excitedly.

  “And I, you. You're a real beauty, with such pretty, red markings.”

  Roo's mind liquefied at the complements, and she was rendered speechless, her pure-black eyes sparkling up at the commander.

  Mark remembered that red-hued naga were supposed to be the artists and craftspeople of Naga society. She must be an example of someone breaking convention.

  “So, Vale, what brings you and your lovely group of special forces to my front line?”

  “We want to help retake the East Veld ruins and then attempt the trial.”

  Kital was not expecting that, and her flame-touched eyebrows shot upward.

  “One legendary piece of divine gear not cutting it, huh?” The red naga's face changed to a more serious one. “But before we get into business- Vale, can I see you alone for a moment?”

  “Uh, sure.”

  Commander Kital turned to the others. “We won't be a moment. Please make yourselves at home.” And with that, the two naga beauties slid behind another flap in the expansive tent.

  “She's so amazing. So beautiful.” Roo said, with her soft hands clasped under her chin.

  “I wonder what she wants,” Ahnix said, her arms crossed and the tip of her black tail bouncing.

  Mark looked over at the cat-girl. “You think she wants something more than the help we can offer

  “I know she does.”

  Mark shrugged. They would find out soon enough. He looked around the command tent as they waited, and saw a giant, ornate rug mostly covering the dried grass from the field around them. Tiny braziers raised up on wrought-iron poles lit the area, filled with burning embers. There was an armor-stand with an impressive looking set of red plate armor that obviously belonged to the commander.

  A moment later Vale came back out alone, her dusky cheeks flushed red.

  “Here's the deal. Kital wants to meet with Mark and myself, privately to... discuss battle plans. You okay with that Ahnix, Roo?” The way she said it made it very clear they were going to be doing something else.

  Ahnix snorted, “I figured as much. Come on Roo, let's go work on your dodge in the training room back home while Mark and Vale strategize with the commander.

  The velvet-girl sighed and put her hand on Mark's chest. “Lucky boy. Make her scream for me, okay?”

  He nodded, “And make sure you please our Queen.” He knew what was inevitably going to happen while they were alone. Roo smiled, pulled her hand off of his chest and held her palm out to a space behind him. He switched his attention to Ahnix, and she locked her eyes on his.

  Long ago, she would be radiating jealousy, but she knew Mark treasured her with all of his heart and that this was just part of the job. After the door formed, Ahnix took Roo by the hand, and they both sauntered through the portal back home.

  Vale gave him a sheepish grin. “We used to train together and often we... would continue to privately spar afterward. She really wants to see what it's like to feel your pleasurable abilities.”

  Mark was getting excited just thinking about it. “She wants you and me at once, huh?”

  Vale looked down on the floor. “Well, just me. Kital is only into girls.

  Mark couldn't help but frown a little. Vale felt the uneasy silence and continued.

  “I told her we would do her this favor for helping us out.”

  “Aren't we helping her out with our badass selves?” He felt embarrassment wash over her, and he finally understood. He laughed. “I get it. My sexual light show is something you want to show off your friend and old lover. Fine. You owe me a good tongue lashing, but I'll be your pleasure enhancer for the evening if commander Kital gets us into that temple.”

  Vale moved forward and put her warm hand on Mark's cock as it bulged limply against his new, tight pants. Her violet eyes looked deep into his, and she licked around her lips with her long tongue.

  “I will suck you beyond dry, master.”

  “Mmm, that might do. We'll see what I'm in the mood for.”

  She nodded her head, moved her hand to take hold of his and led him into Kital's private quarters.

  Once he was inside, he saw the giant, pink and red snake-woman lounging on a huge stuffed pillow. She was naked of course, and he got a good look at all her naughty bits.

  She did indeed have smaller breasts, but her nipples more than made up for it. Huge towers of dark red flesh stood up from her firm breasts. He panned down her lithe, toned body and saw that she had a similarly large vagina and bulbous clitoris, but unlike Vale, Commander Kital had a thick gold ring passing right through her bundle of nerves.

  “Welcome, Lover. Vale has told me so much about you. And by that I mean she couldn't ever shut her mouth about Collectors, and the pleasures they wield, while we grew up. I am curious to see what all the fuss is about.”

  Mark gained a bit more understanding of what was going on here. Vale was too nice to say she wanted to prove to her friend that she was right, that being Enthralled was the best thing since the invention of fire. Okay, he thought, let's do this.

  Mark only smiled, reaching his hand up to pull off the strips of white linen Vale wore under her armor. Vale held her muscular arms over her head, watching Kital while he unwrapped her like a gift.

  When she was fully nude, Vale put her arms down and slid over to the Commander, lounging on her back. She joined her on the bed and began gently kissing Kital's full red lips.

  The commander closed her eyes as they rekindled their old passions for each other's touch, scent, and desires. Mark moved closer to the bed, and he could feel their sex drive spark into smoldering flames.

  Vale had a serious thing for this naga in her past. The white-haired beauty slid down the red-hued naga's chest and started wrapping her tongue around the commander's ridiculously long nipples.

  Mark was waiting for the right timing, and after Vale had pulled the nub of bumpy, sensitive flesh into her warm mouth, he focused an extremely slow heal on it.

  Kital's eyebrow's lowered, and she opened her eyes, sensing a small change. She looked at Mark over Vale's head, and he knew she was wondering if this minor warmth was the extent of his power.

  Vale unlatched her tongue from her nipple and kissed down her toned stomach until she reached Kital's humongous, red pussy.

  Mark followed Vale's lips with the healing sensation on its lowest setting and watched as Vale flipped her sinuous body around, keeping her lips on Kital's pussy. She put her own humongous, vagina right on the commander's face and they rolled over until they were both laying on their side, locked in a beautiful, serpentine sixty-nine. He could tell it was a familiar, practiced move for both of them.

  Mark climbed up on the bed and got in really close. He put his face right by the action and watched as Vale used her tongue to explore Kital's wrinkly, meaty folds. He noticed that the golden ring the red naga had piercing her clitoris was shaped to look like a snake eating its tail. Mark loved it.

  He turned up the dial a bit on the continuous heal and centered it on the walls of the commander's pussy. He heard Kital grunt a little into Vale's vagina in response. He was going to save all his power for the red naga, and he had a feeling Vale was okay with that.

  Mark kept the heal going as the two giant snake-women explored each other's thick pussy lips. Vale slipped a finger through the ring and gave it a little tug as she snaked her long tongue into Kital's red pussy.

  Mark evoked a purify orb and placed it right in the opening of the commander's wet vagina. The red naga yelped and then groaned as his two abilities filled her thick, rubbery vagina with ecstasy. Vale dug her long tongue deep inside and through the blue, glowing orb. Mark turned the heal up to half power, and Kital began convulsing, wracked by orgasm after orgasm.

  Mark tried moving the purification ball deep into, and out of, Kital's spasming pussy, finding it easier to exert finer control over his abilities if he sat motionless while he did so.

  Vale tugged harder on the clit ring, stretching her swollen organ as she wrapped her tongue around its base, squeezing it tightly.

  Between getting fucked by the purification orb, the slow heal on her insides, and Vale roughly caressing her clitoris, commander Kital was consumed with absolute ecstasy. The tight gurgling noises she had been making were cut off as every muscle in her body locked up, stunned with unending pleasure. He could feel that every corner of her mind was stuffed to bursting with bliss.

  Both he and Vale held her in this state as long as they could, and the red naga fought just to breathe while they worked on her. When Mark felt like the two abilities were going to end soon, he reached in with his ring and touched it to the red, swollen clit of the commander.

  Pulling on all his experience, he blasted her throbbing ball of nerves with a powerful pleasure enhancement, and the red naga began to scream directly into Vale's pussy.

  It was the horse, throaty sound of someone who could not control the force at which the scream was ripped from their bodies.

  Mark knew what was going to happen next, so he just stood up, turned around and put his hands in the air. Sure enough, not moments later a handful of guards rushed into the tent, pointing their spears at him.

  Vale had turned back the other way and was gently slapping Kital's face. The red naga seemed to be locked in a blissful seizure.

  “What have you done t
o the commander?” one of them yelled. Seeing Princess Vale and their commander naked in bed gave the terrified looking guard pause. Otherwise, Mark was sure he would have been thrown to the ground already.

  “Just going over some battle plans,” Mark said, shrugging.

  “L-leave!” Commander Kital managed between spasms. The guards hit their chests with their fists and backed out of the room.

  “Fucking fires take me,” the panting red naga managed to say. “Vale, you bitch.” Kital chuckled that last word and then was taken by a fit of unbridled laughter.

  “I take it all back. And he- this is- you go through that every day?”

  Vale turned her beautiful, elfish face to Mark and expressed her deep devotion to him through just her gaze alone.


  “You fucking lucky bitch.”

  Mark crossed his arms. “I'm the lucky one. Without her... without her, I would be lost.”

  Commander Kital looked from Mark to Vale and could almost physically see the bond they shared.

  “Fine, you're both lucky. Now I'm hoping you make me lucky and break the hold the Magi clan have on our temple.” The red naga pushed off from the bed and started putting her clothes back on. As she bent over, Kital put a hand to her head to steady herself.

  “Fuck. That crateful of orgasms'll last me for months. Come on over to the campaign map, and let's do some real planning.”

  Mark retrieved Vale's cloth wrappings from the floor as questions began to tumble out of his mouth.

  “Who is this Magi Clan, and what do they want with your temple?”

  Kital looked over her shoulder as she held the flap open that led into the main area.

  “A tenuous unification of dragonkin and centaur radicals who seek to set the world alight. The fuckers have no respect for the flame.”

  Vale slid over to Mark and retrieved her wrappings.

  “They believe that the problems with the world ought to be solved with an all-encompassing pyre of purification,” she said as they followed Kital to the campaign map.

  “I see.”

  Kital moved behind the miniature battlefield and pointed to the side furthest from her. A pile of wooden horses stood facing outward with an onyx, dragon head sitting in the middle.