Enthralled: Book 1: The Crystal Heart Page 13
Vale's body curled around Ahnix who herself was curled into a ball, and after he called out, both of them quickly sprung into action and joined him on the deck.
Seeing the massive body of the huge-chested naga glide up the stairs and out to the back of the deck so quickly made Mark smile. She was going to be a valuable member of his combat harem. Ahnix was only a little bit behind her, and when she got out onto the deck, she reached far above her head and stretched out her magnificently toned body.
Both of them were still nude, and Mark had to wrench his thoughts to the issue at hand. All three of them were looking out over the railing at the rope disappearing into the water.
"The anchor- It's not catching," he said, pointing uselessly at the river. "I didn't want to, but we might need to just run this thing aground."
Vale looked down at him. "The riverbed has been sun-baked and dry for hundreds of years. It will be difficult for the anchor to find purchase." She reached out and put her gray skinned hand over his and smiled. "I'll take care of it, Master," she said, then smoothly dove over the railing and her giant body disappeared under the dark swirling waters.
Ahnix and Mark looked at each other. Her typically unexpressive face showing slight concern.
"Well, that was unexpected," he said, looking back down to where she vanished.
After a few moments, the rope snapped tight, and the boat creaked a little from the sudden stress on the hull. The line had held, and they maintained their position, no longer carried along with the flow of the river.
However, Mark didn't see his new naga anywhere in the dark, rushing waters. They looked around all the sides of the boat to see if she was trying to climb back up.
A flash of light caught his eye as one of the familiar, rainbow traced, bolts of magic hit near the riverbank. He looked over and saw they had stopped almost perfectly parallel with the village, and on the riverbank, he spotted a long shadowy figure dodging backward into the river.
Another shot zipped over her head, and the giant naga yelled out, "Master!"
Mark grabbed Ahnix by the shoulders and nodded to the naga by the river. She nodded back, grabbed his forearms, and they both popped instantly in front of Vale.
It took Mark a second to recover from the teleport, but as soon as he got his bearings, he shouted to Donovan’s son up in the watchtower.
"Hey Fayit, you idiot. Stop shooting at my girls, or I'll take more than that crossbow!"
It was still very dark, and Mark couldn't really see much, but he could hear yelling and commotion from inside the walls of the village, again.
Vale slunk out of the river and took up position in front of Mark and Ahnix, ready to intercept any more attacks.
"I left my shield in the hold," she said sadly, over her shoulder, "but I will protect you both."
Mark smiled and walked around in front of her. Her long white hair was pulled flat against her scalp as it dripped with river water and panic filled her eyes. Her massive tits and meaty pussy were still exposed to the world. She must have felt overly naked right now. Mark reached up a little, wrapped a hand around her relatively slender waist and pulled her closer to him.
He looked up into her eyes and said, "It's okay, you can relax. I'm pretty sure the danger is over. I appreciate it, but we need to protect each other. I don't want you needlessly sacrificing yourself for me. Nice work with the anchor, though."
A timid smile appeared on her full lips briefly before her eyes snapped up to something behind him, narrowing as if assessing a potential threat.
Mark turned around and saw Donovan holding the crossbow and approaching them with a few other villagers carrying torches. Mark walked forward to greet them, and when he was close enough, he could see tears streaming down the older man's cheeks.
"Collector. I must apologize to you and your Enthralled once again..."
Donovan's face had been gravely serious until he turned and addressed Vale and Ahnix standing naked behind Mark. The old man's jaw dropped as he took in their exposed bodies. He recovered quickly, blinking his eyes a few times and returned his attention to Mark. "This belongs to you now."
Donovan extended his arms and held the opalescent weapon out as an offering.
"I accept this gift with honor, Donovan. I hope you accept mine," Mark said, extending his hand out behind him to indicate the rushing waters of the restored Vull river.
Donovan just bowed his head in thanks, and Mark reached out and took hold of his new magic crossbow.
"I don't know how you did it, but our village can prosper now. Life will return to the land, and fresh water is only a few steps out our gates. We can never fully repay you."
"I know this weapon must be very valuable, consider us even." Mark held it up and the way the torchlight played on its shifting, colored surface was hypnotizing. He couldn't wait to try it out, but he wasn't as impetuous as its previous owner. Mark looked around at the group of awestruck villagers that came to greet them but didn't see the trigger-happy asshole.
"Where's your son, Fayit? He didn't seem to be too thrilled to see me return."
Donovan's features darkened. "I may have broken his jaw."
"Ouch," was all Mark could think to say.
"Enough about that. He had a lesson to learn. Come, let's get you and your magnificent ladies dry and a place to rest. I never expected you to do it and return so quickly, and by boat no less! After we saw the sparkling waters come crashing passed our village we have been planning for your return. Tomorrow we will have a celebratory feast in your honor, and I would love to hear the tale of how the Vull was restored to the land."
Mark grabbed Donovan's hand and shook it firmly.
"Thank you for your hospitality once again, Donovan. I'm sure this town will grow happy and prosperous under your leadership."
He turned around and winked at his girls trailing close behind him, "Looks like we're having a feast tomorrow after all!"
Once they were inside the walls, Donovan led them back to the same tent he and Ahnix had slept in before. Inside was a barrel of fresh water and plates of cooked meats and roasted vegetables.
Vale was a tight fit, but she could coil herself up. Donovan returned shortly and claimed his wife suggested that it would be her honor to make leather garments for Mark's exposed beauties if they would allow it.
Mark let Vale and Ahnix speak for themselves. Ahnix simply nodded, accustomed to servants doting on her. Vale asked if the old man was sure and said that she didn't want to cause more work for anyone. The older man tried to look anywhere but at the well-endowed naga and assured her his wife asked to help repay them and would be in shortly to take measurements.
After they had eaten, the warm light of day slowly washed over everything. Mark felt the weight of sleep pressing in on him. He didn't sleep well the night before, and a lot had happened since then. Not to mention two solid sexual workouts. Ahnix's warm body was draped across his legs while one of Vale's massive nipples served as a headrest. He dozed off for a few minutes but was stirred awake when Dreya, Donovan's wife, came in to take on the challenge of making clothes to fit the vastly different pair of beast-women.
Mark forced his eyes open long enough to see the older woman attempt to measure Vale's bust size. She was forced to go and get more tape, but Mark finally submitted to a deep sleep before she came back.
When he opened his eyes again, the light had shifted, and he could tell there were only a few hours left in the day.
Vale was still in the tent with him, her soft breath whistling through her nose as she slept, wrapped around him. Her head was on the pillows behind him, and if he looked to his left, her impressive breasts were right in his face.
He studied them and contemplated gently playing with one of the hoops but decided he would let her sleep. Mark really didn't know how long the giant naga was kept awake in that slug kingdom prison with her huge nipples stretched by her heavy shield.
Her dark skin was smooth and soft, and the darker colored n
ipples were slightly wrinkled. They were almost perfect cylinders, but somewhat wider at the base. She had equally large jet-black areolas, and Mark wondered if all naga had such insanely huge nipples or it was just her.
He looked down past her tits and her slender, muscular stomach and saw her meaty pussy was right by his knee.
The snake part took over right below the bottom of those long wrinkled lips, and he really got a good look at the thick, armored, white scales that covered part of her lower half. They aligned in a strip down her front side, in pairs, that went all the way to the tip of her tail.
Smaller, iridescent, white scales covered the rest of her snake half, and they looked like tiny pebbles.
The warmth of the tent and the naga's soft breathing lulled Mark back into a blissful snooze. He was in no hurry and easily slipped into unconsciousness to wait for something important to happen.
Later, and still half asleep, he became gradually aware of a soft, wet warmth on his stiff cock. It felt amazing, and he slowly came around, cracking open one eye.
Ahnix was between his legs, looking up at him with her large, beautiful eyes, his cock buried in her small mouth. She had somehow gotten his pants off and started sucking his dick to an erect state while he was still asleep.
He laid his head back down and closed his eyes, letting her do whatever she wanted to his throbbing cock. She was very good at what she was doing, and it didn't take long before he shot his load into her mouth. When she sensed he was about to blow, she clamped her lips down and started sucking. Not a drop of cum was spilled.
She sat back on her knees and wiped her mouth with the back of her furry hand.
"Time to get up, Mark. We have a celebratory feast in one hour," she said in a low voice.
"Ahnix, you are beyond a mere queen, you are Goddess. Best alarm clock ever." He sat up and looked over at his cat-girl.
She was now dressed in a tight, leather tube top. She also had leather bracers that covered the black fur on her arms.
He nodded and said, "Hey, nice new armor you got there."
In one fluid motion, she pushed off the ground with her hands, stood up and twisted her ass sideways so he could see the rest.
Low around her hips was a pair of leather shorts that ended just after her cheeks. There was a hole in the back for her tail to come out of, too. They hugged her ass so tightly it was like a second skin.
She also had leather leggings that wrapped around her shins and calves up to her knees.
"Very nice. Do you like it better than your mummy bandages?"
"Yes-" Ahnix slapped her firm, leather-clad ass cheek with her hand and continued, "I can take a few more hits than I could before. Definitely an upgrade."
Then she turned away from him and looked over her shoulder into his eyes. He saw a twinkle there, and then she bent over, sticking her tight ass out in front of his face.
"But here is the best part." She reached a hand around to where her pussy would be and pulled apart a flap Mark didn't even notice.
Suddenly, Ahnix's bare pussy was right in front of his nose.
He wanted nothing more than to latch on to that soft, warm, delicious slit of hers with his mouth. But before he could, the cat-girl pulled it back closed and turned to face him.
"Come on lazy boy. Time to get up and get ready." She spun on one small, padded foot and exited the tent.
He sat alone for a moment just thinking about how lucky he was when he realized Vale was gone. He got dressed in his smooth, silk pants and vest, wondering how the hell the giant naga got out without waking him up, then followed Ahnix out of their tent.
It was almost dusk, and the village hummed with activity. Mark noticed something large moving out of the corner of his eye. When he turned to look, he saw Vale carrying two barrels, one on each shoulder.
From this distance, he could see she was wearing what looked like a leather sports bra and a leather apron around her waist that covered the front of her snake half.
Ahnix was waiting for him just outside the tent and followed his gaze to the naga.
"She decided to become a beast of burden for the village in return for her new outfit," she explained.
"I see..."
"Collector!" Donovan called from the other direction. He was walking towards them, his arm raised and a huge smile on his face. Mark turned and met him halfway, Ahnix close behind.
Mark offered his hand to the older man, and they shook a greeting. "It's good to see you awake. I thought you would have slept through your own feast of honor."
"Wouldn't miss it for the world."
Donovan motioned to something over Mark's shoulder and said, "And your enthralled naga, Vale. She's been going nonstop for the last hour and a half. I told her that her services weren’t required- that the return of the river was beyond anything I could have ever imagined, but she insisted. We have big plans to expand the village. I want to add farms and a dock for fishing and trading. She has already done the work ten men could do in a day. You have been like a saviors from the heavens Mark, you and your magnificent Enthralled."
Mark looked over his shoulder and now saw her carrying an armload of logs from one side of the village to the other.
"Saviors might be a bit much, but yeah- she likes to be useful."
"That's one way to put it," Ahnix added dryly.
Vale noticed the three of them looking over at her, and a huge grin appeared on her beautiful face. She dropped the load she had been carrying and slid back and forth, up to the group, quickly.
She bowed her head to Mark. "It's so good to see you, Master. Have you seen the amazing gifts mistress Dreya made for us?"
She put her hands under the humongous boulders that were her breasts, lifted them a bit and let them drop. The wide leather straps that ran over her shoulders held them firm.
Mark smiled and looked down at the leather sheet that draped over her large lady bits.
It was actually multiple sheets of leather, pressed together as one and, at the bottom, heavy iron rings pierced the edge, keeping it in place as she moved around. When she had her massive shield, this naga was going to be a mobile fortress.
"You look fantastic, Vale. Dreya is very skilled with leatherworking. I'll have to thank her for outfitting my girls so perfectly."
"Here she comes now," Donovan said, pointing at his wife, walking up to the group carrying a folded white sheet out in front of her like a serving platter. They all turned to face her, and Vale bowed deeply when she approached.
"Thank you so much mistress Dreya- I have never felt such support! I can move freely without all the unbalancing and painful tugging. You're a garment genius."
Mark stepped forward next to Vale and bowed his head. "I also offer my most heartfelt thanks, Dreya. You are truly gifted to have created both of these beautiful and functional sets of armor for my Enthralled. In such a short amount of time, too."
Donovan only beamed at his wife, and Ahnix gave her a simple nod.
Dreya gave them all a tired smile. "You all have such kind words, but you have made such a drastic and positive change in our lives there is nothing we can ever do to even that debt." She then stepped forward and offered the bundle she was holding to Vale. "You have gone beyond anything we had ever asked for. I'm glad you like your harness. But after you said you have started to sub-specialize in hexing, I realized you were missing something..."
Mark's ears perked up. Hexing? Sub-specialize? What's this now?
Donovan's wife continued as she pulled the top layer of cloth off to reveal what she was holding.
"With all the scraps I had left over, I made this. May your enemies cringe in fear when they hear its crack."
Coiled neatly on the cloth was a large leather whip. Vale looked from Dreya to the weapon she was offering. Tears began to well up in her violet eyes.
She surged forward and grabbed Dreya off of her feet and spun her around, the older woman's eyes going wide in shock.
"Thank you, thank you,
thank you!" the naga kept saying as she made tight circles on the ground.
"Okay, put the nice lady down, Vale," Mark said sternly. The giant naga gently put the flustered but undamaged older woman on her feet and bowed her head deeply again, her pure white hair falling forward.
"This has been the best day of my entire life." She straightened and took the offered whip. She just held it, looking down at it like if she looked away, it would vanish.
Donovan broke the silence and cleared his throat. “If the guests of honor would follow me?"
Dreya told everyone that she had cooking matters to oversee and excused herself.
Mark and his girls followed the village leader to the center of town where a large table had been set up with other smaller benches aligned in rows in front of it. He directed Mark to the center seat and had a chair for Ahnix to his right and an open area for Vale to coil up onto his left.
Donovan took up a seat next to Ahnix and told them that his wife would join them soon.
The older man pulled Ahnix's chair out for her and asked if this seating arrangement met her approval. She held her chin high and nodded.
The benches below them were filling up with the villagers, and Mark saw Fayit sulk in and take a seat at a random table. He had an angry bruise on the left side of his face.
Servers came in and brought steaming bowls of spicy broth that Ahnix liked so much she practically inhaled it. Dreya, came to join them after the soup course, apparently setting everything straight for the rest of the meal. She sat next to Vale who was delighted to have her nearby.
Next was what looked like a large dumpling stuffed with garlic, and a meat Mark couldn't identify. If he had to guess based on the available livestock, it was probably goat.
Vale devoured hers in seconds and looked over at Mark's dumpling with longing. He looked up at her, and she quickly returned her gaze to her own plate. He knew there was going to be more food coming so he wasn't too worried about starving. He quietly slid his plate containing his mostly untouched dumpling over in front of Vale.
She looked over at him, her beautiful, violet eyes wide in disbelief. He nodded, and she tore into it greedily.