Enthralled: Book 2: Picking Up the Pieces Read online

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  Mark didn't like what he was hearing. He knew once his Enthralled picked a skill, it was locked in forever, and she needed to be confident in her abilities.

  “What's done is done, Vale. If you keep looking backward in life you are going to walk into shit- well, undulate into shit.” He gave her another smile. “You are a warrior princess, we are here to save the world, and if you can make a monster attack one of their own instead of Ahnix, Roo or me, then do it damn it!”

  She smiled at him. “You're right.”

  “Damn right, I'm right! Now, I also recently learned a new ability, and I need someone to practice on.”

  He didn't wait for a response. Getting on his hands and knees, he crawled on top of her, forcing Vale onto her back. With his legs wrapped around her bare stomach, he reached his hand to the small silver clasp holding her silk wrappings on. He unlatched it and tossed it over his shoulder. Mark then began carefully unwrapping the silky strips of fabric that held up her tits. He pulled them through from behind her back and removed her coverings, layer by layer.

  Her huge black nipples with silver hoops awaited him at the bottom, and once her chest was bare to him, he just leaned back and admired them.

  “You have the most beautiful breasts I have ever seen,” Mark said, his voice echoing his deeply held belief. Vale smiled up at him; her pure white hair spread out behind her chiseled, elfish face.

  Mark reached down, pressed her hefty tits together with his hands and marveled again at their weight. Vale had an extremely toned core with a muscular back and rock, hard abs. Mark was sure that some of that fitness was due to these massive mounds of flesh she carried around.

  He leaned forward and brushed his lips against her thick, black nipples, squeezing her breasts closer together with his hands. He considered pulling his dick out of his pants and sliding it between the tight crack of soft cleavage right under his nose, but echoes of intuition told him that she wouldn't enjoy that as much as he would. He smiled as he ran his lips over her nipples and looked into her violet eyes.

  A small smile played on her lips in response, but her fashion model face quickly shifted to surprise when Mark started to channel a slow heal into her nipples. He exerted fine control over his ability and left ethereal after-kisses of glowing pleasure to linger behind after his lips touched her sensitive flesh.

  Her nipples were growing so stiff and tall that he could plant three kisses up the side of one before reaching the top. Not wanting to show favoritism, he moved to peck at her other swelling nipple, trailing behind tingling pleasure after each kiss.

  Vale's eyes closed and stretched her arms behind her, thrusting her chest closer to his enchanted mouth. Her strong arm and chest muscles stood out in her current position, and his penis started to swell in response. He could tell she was getting warmed up, and so was he.

  She was still wearing her metal-plated skirt, and his pants were still in the way- these were problems that needed to be addressed immediately.

  He moved his lips down the bottom curve of her breast, coming down to her tight, firm stomach. He wriggled his fingers under the clasp of her belt, loosened it and pulled it down the length of her tail. He gave her fleshy, wrinkled pussy lips a few enhanced kisses on his way down, his lips squishing into her wetness.

  When he got to the tip of her tail, he licked around the tip and kissed it with one of his extra potent kisses. She watched him carefully as he did so, and he heard a low moan vibrate from her throat. He had a feeling before, but now he was sure. The tip of her tail was an erogenous zone for her, and it seemed that she was embarrassed about it. He thought back to that first night they met and how Ahnix shoved it into her furry pussy and smiled again. He put the information in the back of his mind for safe keeping. He had other plans for the giant naga this evening.

  He stepped out of his boots, and pants, took off his shirt and crawled back up on top of her. He wanted to kiss her beautiful face and look deep into her eyes while he fucked her senseless, but while their crotches were aligned, his head only came to the center of her cleavage. That was if she was laying flat on her back.

  “Vale, can you scoot up the wall a bit?”

  “Yes master,” she said, with a shy smile.

  She sat up and used her muscular arms to push herself back into the corner at the edge of the bed while with Mark still on top of her.

  He held on with his knees, and when she was in this curved position, he found that instead of pointing his dick down into her, it was going straight forward and he could see her- eye to stunning violet eye. He was wedged between her tits, but neither of them seemed to mind.

  He reached his hand up behind her pure white hair and locked his lips on hers. With his other hand, he grabbed the base of his engorged dick and used it to slap her wet pussy.

  With each heavy thump of his cock onto her clit, he pulsed the last of his healing energy, and she opened her sweet mouth to moan every time. He stuck his tongue passed her lips as he shoved the head of his penis into her slippery, meaty pussy.

  He could feel her long, deft tongue come out to greet his, and swirl around it. They rubbed their taste buds together, and he shuddered at how wonderful her mouth tasted. He was lost in her beauty and pulled in a deep breath through his nose. All of his girls smelled so good.

  Mark slowly began to work his stiff cock into her hot and hungry vagina. He focused on the head of his penis is it rubbed on the walls of her pussy. By leaning his hips in different directions he was able to stimulate different areas, and he was looking for something specific.

  He pushed his hips down, so his balls sat in the folds of her thick pussy lips and tightened his cock muscle. Doing so pressed it up into an area he almost was never able to hit when he rode her on her back. He felt a strobe of pure erotic energy flash from her groin, and the giant naga grunted an, “Ah,” right into his mouth.

  He pulled back from her lips and locked his eyes on hers. He found what he was looking for.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said, shifting his position slightly while he slid in and out of her.

  She gave him a sweet look as she wrapped her arms around his back and was about to say something before Mark rubbed the head of his penis directly on her newfound g-spot.

  Whatever she was about to say was lost in a sharp inhalation, and all she got out was, “Oh!” He kept his cock angled upwards and his muscles tight as he pressed the taut head of his swollen cock right on her special spot.

  She started spasming every time he grazed it, and it only took a handful of thrusts to make her cum. She closed her eyes and tilted her chin down slightly as she had her first orgasm.

  It was time to try his new trick. He wanted to turn her brains into a blob of saturated ecstasy to make her forget about the unpleasantness of the day.

  Mark focused and activated his new cleansing ability. When he used it before, it materialized as a glowing ball that passed through his target. This time he attempted to throttle its power and exert more delicate control. He tried to lock its movements onto the head of his penis and was shocked to learn how good it felt.

  Not as shocked as Vale, though. She was just wrapping up one orgasm when the cleansing ball of light formed inside her pussy. Her eyes snapped open, and her throat closed off all sound. Her shoulders hunched forward, and she pulled Mark to her chest.

  He wrapped his arms around her tight, muscular back and under her soft, heavy tits as he pushed his magic, glowing cock into to her sweet spot.

  She was whimpering in his ear as her pussy clenched tightly, having orgasm after orgasm.

  Controlling the purifying ball was hard work, and Mark realized he needed more practice with it. He let go some of the control, trying just to leave it locked in place in the middle of her pussy.

  Her poor bed was getting soaked as her huge, fleshy vagina drooled liquid everywhere. Mark was starting to reach the end of his rope. Waves of intense erotic euphoria hit him as the tip of his penis passed into the ball of magical pleas
ure inside her, and the constant hum of sweet ecstasy broadcast through their connection hinted at only a fraction of what Vale was feeling.

  She was just holding on to him and trying not to cry out as she had countless orgasms while the inside of her pussy clenched onto his penis like the beating of a runner's heart.

  But he wanted to hear her scream.

  He gave her one hard thrust before blasting her clitoris with a mighty enhancement while pumping his cum and the last of his essence into her.

  Vale threw her head back and belted out a sustained scream that only grew in pitch in volume as it continued. Mark grunted as he buried his face between her massive tits and held her tight.

  After it was over, they just held each other, breathing hard.

  Behind them, the iron door to her chamber was thrown open, and two giant naga guards stood in the doorway, spears leveled at Mark.

  “Halt!” Vale said, between breaths. “You may leave us.”

  The heavily armored guards looked at each other and then down to the floor as they backed out, closing the door behind them. Vale took Mark's head in both hands and pulled him in for a deep and sensual kiss. He reached up and toyed with the jewelry in her long ears.

  They nibbled on each other's lips for a long while before they got dressed, and Mark summoned Roo to take them home to bed. When he arrived back home with Vale and Roo, he expected to see a change in the layout but everything looked as it did when they left.

  “Weren't you going to work on adding stuff?” he asked.

  “It'll be a surprise,” Roo said, a twinkle in her black eyes. Mark shrugged and yawned, stretching his arms over his head. It had been an extremely long day. He found Ahnix was already naked and warming the bed, waiting for him. Mark crawled in alongside her, and his girls snuggled in for a restful sleep.

  - 9 -

  “I'm here to see Evoker Oris,” Mark said to the crystal elf that came to the door, while he held the red, glowing Inception Sphere held out in front of him. He couldn't tell if it was the same Georath as before, but after the tall man's sapphire eyes scanned the orb, he stepped aside, allowing Mark entrance. His girls waited back at home for him, and they were planning on taking Roo's door right to the dome once it was down.

  After another short stroll through the sparse Auxiliary Academy, he was walking confidently to the Georath known as Oris, sitting behind his desk. He stood when he saw Mark approaching.


  Mark lifted the glowing orb up for Evoker Oris. The usually stoic Georath shot his eyes greedily to the object and quickly moved around his desk.

  “Excellent,” Oris said, holding out his hand. Mark placed the orb his large, gray palm and a moderate amount of essence entered his body. He could feel there was still quite a bit of space left to fill and became conscious of his expanding essence capacity.

  Evoker Oris hurriedly walked past Mark to one of the elaborate contraptions stationed around the room. Mark spun to follow him, moving fast to keep up. The crystal elf gingerly placed the orb into a receptacle in the center of what looked like an hourglass filled with water. Glass tubing wove intricately around the device, splitting and rejoining, disappearing into various boxes, and all ending up emptying out into a bowl.

  Once the Inception Sphere was in place, Oris put his palm on a flat plate on the side of the machine and uttered the word, “Interra.”

  Mark watched as parts of the machine began to spin, slowly at first and then building up speed. The water in the top half of the hourglass started to bubble like it was boiling and the tubes began to fill with steam. The way the device was moving and pumping boiling water around, he expected it to sound loud and industrial, but it was unnaturally smooth and quiet.

  Tiny droplets began to rain down over the glowing orb like it was sitting under a miniature thunderstorm, and red colored liquid slowly traveled down into the glass bowl near the output.

  Oris dipped one of his slate gray fingers into to the liquid and brought it to his tongue. Mark saw his sapphire eyes flash red for a moment and then return to their normal blue.

  “Increasingly Excellent. A great help.”

  “Glad to be of service,” Mark said. “Now, about bringing down that dome...”

  “Yes, the mind gains speed. Much closer to solution.”

  “Uh huh. How much closer?”

  “New estimation- forty cycles.” Evoker Oris walked away from Mark and back to his parchment and began to dart his eyes around at a speed Mark felt uncomfortable watching.

  “Do you mean forty years? Like half a normal human lifespan, forty?”

  “Correct. Much closer.”

  “We can't wait that long!” Mark felt a flush of heat break down his cool demeanor. “Do you know what we went through to get that thing?”

  “Irrelevant. Begone. Frellis.” Evoker Oris waved his hand when he said that last, strange word and Mark found himself standing outside in the swamp.

  “That mother fucker...” Mark closed his eyes and tried to pull Roo to him. He actually had some difficulty this time as he kept envisioning punching the stony face of Oris instead of picturing the beautiful, masked face of his velvet-girl.

  He stopped and took a deep breath, calming his mind. He started slow, picturing her soft, puffy lips and her tight, little ass. A small smile grew on his lips when he thought of her leaning over the edge of the cliffs and looking down at the sharp, unforgiving rocks below, feeling her sense of wonder. And then she was in front of him.

  “Hmm, I had a feeling this time,” She said, turning to face him. She put a soft hand on his cheek. “I knew you were calling me.”

  Mark couldn't help but smile. He put his hand on hers as it rested on his face and just relished her beauty. But the thought of Oris quickly crept back in, and he pulled her hand away.

  “Let's get back to the others and form a plan. They're not going to bring the dome down anytime soon.”

  She nodded and opened the door back home.

  Vale and Ahnix were fully armored and ready for action when he came back through.

  “We need a new plan,” Mark said, his eyes squinting as he looked around at his girls.

  “What happened?” Ahnix said, a hand on her hip.

  “That crystal-headed-bastard, Oris, said it would be another forty years before he would bring it down and then kicked me out into the swamp.”

  Vale tapped the gem in the center of her magic circlet and her scale mail retracted from her body. Underneath she was just wearing a simple, linen wrappings around her humongous, round breasts and below her waist. He frowned. She was dressed like Ahnix had been when he first met her.

  The naga picked up on his confusion. “I just want something basic to wear under my armor. I don't want to stink up my good silks.” She pointed to a rack by the wall with her 'princess vale' outfit hanging up.

  Ahnix crossed her arms. “This better not have all been for nothing.” Her tail hopped a few times behind her in frustration.

  Everyone looked at the floor in silence. It was Roo who eventually spoke up first.

  “Vale, what if you used your new ring and charmed him?”

  Mark's eyebrows shot to the top of his head. This was an idea he could get behind. He was surprised his brilliant tactician didn't think of it first. Mark looked to Vale, and she had a tense look in her eyes.

  “I don't know. Isn't that- I mean, he's not really our enemy, right?”

  Roo tilted her head to one side and said, “He is preventing us from getting the Heart piece.”

  Mark could feel the internal moral dilemma Vale was experiencing right now. He hoped that their talk last night would have set her head right about her new charm ability, but it seemed like she still had some reservations. And he didn't really blame her. Evoker Oris was an asshole, but he wasn't actively trying to hurt them. Mark sighed, making up his mind on the matter.

  “Vale,” he began. “Sometimes the end does justify the means. Oris said their home was wrecked by th
e 'great tear' under the dome. In the end, we would be helping to restore what the Georath lost. And forty years sooner.”

  Mark looked to Ahnix for support, but she was silently locked on Vale with her half-lidded, uninterested expression.

  Vale bit her lip and looked over at the spot where the black pearl ring sat on one of the storage shelves. She still hadn't put it on.

  “Do you have a better idea?” Mark asked.

  The giant naga went over to the ring created by the horrible creature in the sea cave. She retrieved the enchanted piece of jewelry and held it in her palm, her haunted eyes looking around the room at her friends, lovers, and teammates.

  Roo pumped her fist in the air and said, “Let's bring down that tear, kill the monsters, and save the day!”

  Ahnix nodded, finally. “I want to kill something.”

  “The decision is ultimately up to you, Vale,” Mark said.

  She looked down at the ring, pulled in a deep breath and closed her fingers around it.

  “Okay. We'll do it. But first, we need a plan.”

  Mark smiled. “It's a good thing you're here to help.”

  “Indeed.” She said, thinking.

  “I pop a door in his chamber,” Roo said. “I've been there before, and it shouldn't be a problem. You do your thing, charm his pants off. He shuts down the dome, and we leave.” The velvet-girl held one of her hands palm up like there was no big deal.

  “What if the charm fails?” Vale asked, one, sharp, eyebrow raised. “What if there are others in the chamber with him?”

  “We should probably abandon the plan if he isn't alone,” Ahnix said.

  Mark nodded and added, “And I could enhance your charm ability. Believe me, I am highly motivated for this plan to work. It will be a strong one.”

  Vale nodded her head slowly. “Better. Now we are getting somewhere.”

  They worked out other contingencies and eventually Vale was relatively happy with the plan. Vale slipped on the ring, which he was slightly surprised fit her larger hand. He shrugged it off quickly. Magic.