Enthralled: Book 1: The Crystal Heart Page 11
If the hull hit the corruption, or he was yet unable to heal one this size- the journey would most likely end for them right here.
He could hear clanging behind him as more spears were hurled at his Enthralled and deflected. One spear whistled just over his outstretched arm, but he forced himself to ignore that and concentrate on the task literally at hand.
The white noise of the glitching mess in front of him filled his vision, and his fingers quickly passed into the corruption as the boat rushed forward.
Agony lanced through his arm as it penetrated into the whirling madness. Mark pushed away the pain and summoned the will to not only save himself but also those he swore to protect.
He would not let them down.
He was not going to let this corrupt bit of computer code annihilate himself or his girls.
Mark thrust his other arm and his face into the stinging nightmare and screamed a furious command to the universe to get the fuck out of his way.
And then it was gone. Mark successfully healed the tear, and the rushing waters of the Vull were finally free to continue along the path they were intended to flow.
Mark saw the froth of millions of gallons of water surge past the front of the boat while feeling a tremendous surge of essence enter his body. It was too much. Taking it in all at once overloaded his mind, and he collapsed into a twitching pile on the sun-bleached, wooden deck.
Ahnix was by his side in moments and cradled his head in her lap. Her eyes uncharacteristically wide, and her tiny mouth hung open as she looked down at him.
The giant naga still had bits of rope dangling off of the rings in her huge nipples, and she cast a glance down on him, too.
She blinked a few times, stunned by what she just witnessed, and then tore her attention away to focus on potential attacks from the shore.
But none came. The slug people were also stunned by the destruction of the immovable object that had protected their kingdom for generations. The riverboat was carried with the current faster than they could travel anyway, and soon Mark and his Enthralled were clear of any danger.
Moonlight washed over the beast-women as they looked down on him, and he gave them a weak smile.
"Good job, Ahnix. You even managed to teleport her shield, too. I knew I could count on you."
His head was cradled in her lap, his face resting against her warm, furry stomach. She put her hand on his chest and kissed his forehead.
The giant snake-woman slowly put her heavy shield down on the wooden deck and lowered herself onto her arms, so her face was near theirs. Her massive tits squeezed forward, over her forearms.
"Thank you, Master. I am yours- now and forever. I have never seen anything like what you just did."
"Call me Mark, if you want."
Without the mouth gag, he saw that she was more stunning than he had first thought. Her face seemed chiseled out of granite with the high cheekbones and look of a fashion model. Her lips were violet, like her vibrant eyes.
"And if I want to call you Master?" she asked, timidly, in a voice that was more melodious then he would have expected from her size.
Ahnix had been gawking at the dark-skinned jugs that were bigger than her own head, when she blinked, realizing what the naga just said. The cat-girl rolled her eyes and stood up, letting Mark's head bounce off the deck slightly.
He sat up and watched her go stand at the railing, looking off into the jungle trees as the newly freed Vull carried them downriver. He was going to have to address this issue very soon but turned back to the giant naga.
"Call me whatever you want. You do you. But what should I call you?" he asked.
Mark offered her his hand. "Nice to officially meet you, Vale."
She reached a hand around her breasts, engulfed his hand with hers and smiled shyly.
He sighed. "We have a lot to discuss, but right now I need to attend to my Desert Queen over there. I'm sure you must be exhausted from... well, from what they put you through so why don't you head into the cabin for a bit and rest. We'll come check on you in a little while, and we can all get properly acquainted."
Vale retrieved her shield and rose to her full height, towering over Mark still sitting on the deck. Her huge, meaty pussy was very close to his face.
She looked down at him, a serious look crossing her features and nodded.
"As you wish, Master," she said, and moved towards the cabin. Her wide hips swayed from side to side as she glided smoothly across the deck. He finally got a good look at her rear end and saw that her snake half molded into two, round, white scaled cheeks, quickly fading up into smooth, charcoal gray flesh that ended in a sharply defined ass crack.
She disappeared below decks, and Mark turned his attention to Ahnix, looking down at the water below.
He came up behind her and slid his hands under her arms and over the cloth wrapped around her chest. He worked his fingers into the bindings and pulled them down gently, exposing her nipples to the air. She didn't react and continued to look out into the night. With his fingers playing with her stiffening nipples he whispered into one of her pointed ears.
"I know what's bothering you. Here we are in the jungle, and I enthrall the first, big breasted beast-woman we run into. You are afraid I will abandon you for her." He spun her around to face him and looked into her beautiful, Egyptian goddess eyes. "I am not that asshole prince that wronged you long ago. I'm Mark, and you know me. It's true, I will need some alone time with her now and again, but there's plenty of me to go around."
And it was true. The sheer amount of essence he now contained was eager to get out.
"I need you, Ahnix."
She looked into his eyes for a moment with her unreadable, small-mouthed frown. Something caught her attention from the cabin momentarily, but she quickly returned her gaze to his eyes.
Ahnix put her hand on his chest and pushed him back a step, extended one razor sharp claw and, in one motion, ripped off all the cloth wrapped around her tightly muscled body. There was a warm breeze blowing against the current of the river that scattered the strips of linen across the deck.
"Prove it," she said.
Mark didn’t hesitate. He virtually tacked her to the deck and started covering her face with kisses. Then he slowed down, and wrapped a hand behind her head, running it through her perfectly straight, smooth hair and focused on her mouth.
He licked her small lips with the tip his tongue and tested her reaction to deeper probing.
Ahnix responded by wrapping her hand around the back of his neck and pulling him closer. He stuck his tongue inside her mouth, taking care around her sharp fangs. Then they traded, and she stuck her small tongue into his mouth. He was surprised to learn that the back half of her tongue was rough.
Mark knew she was part cat and knew they had rough tongues, but he didn't feel it before when she had his cock in her mouth. He guessed she was just good at sucking a dick.
Without pulling their lips apart, she helped him slip out of his silk vest. He pressed his bare chest into hers, and Mark could tell she was getting worked up. They made out like this for a while, rubbing their hands all over each other and enjoying each other's taste.
He pulled his lips away and looked into her exotic face. He kissed her button nose once, then her cheek, and then her furry shoulder. He nuzzled up against under her chin and used his teeth to gently bite her neck. She reacted by moaning and pulling him harder against her tight, furry, warm body.
He slid down to her collarbone and kissed and sucked on it for a bit. Her short, sleek fur never came off into his mouth no matter what he seemed to do, and he was again grateful for such a miracle.
He slid his lips down to the center of her chest, between her tight little tits. He looked up into her eyes as he moved his mouth over each erect, pink nipple. She was watching him too and bit her lower lip as he teased her breasts. He flicked his tongue out over them, giving one his full attention and then the other. He sucked her ti
ny, pink nipples deep into his warm mouth and rolled them around with his wet tongue. She arched her back, pressing her chest into his face.
Then he moved on from her nipples down to her firm belly. He used his lips to explore her toned abs and her tiny belly button. He slid down further and kissed the inside of both her thighs. He skipped over her smooth pussy and kissed down her legs and knees. He kissed the tops of her feet, each individual toe and then the soft, black pads on the bottoms of her feet. She watched every kiss he planted on her with those beautiful, heavy-lidded eyes of hers.
He worked his way back up to her pelvis, slid a hand under both of her knees and gently pulled them into a bent position with the bottoms of her feet resting on the wooden deck.
He brought his head down into her sweet crotch and kissed her tight, furry vagina. Just like he had done with her face, he slowly made out with her delicious, little pussy lips. In stark contrast to their new naga friend, Ahnix's vagina was tucked in and tidy, where Vale's was big and meaty.
She ran her fingers through the hair on the back of his head as he explored the inside of her hot pussy with his tongue and brought the back of her other hand over her eyes.
He didn't stop until she was breathing heavily, and he recognized the little hitches in her breath that indicated she was close to cumming. He focused his attention on sucking her little nub of a clit and slipped two fingers into her tight, wet hole.
It didn't take long from there. Her body stiffened, and the cat-girl let out a, "Nnghaa..." as her pussy contracted around his fingers. He continued to suck on her clit until the spasms slowed.
When she was finished, he pulled his face away and stuck the two fingers that had been inside her into his mouth. She laid on her back and watched him suck her juices of off his fingers. He really did enjoy her scent and taste.
But he wasn’t done with her yet. There was still something he wanted to try.
"My Queen, would you kindly position yourself on your hands and knees, and stick that sweet, furry ass up in the air?"
Ahnix pushed off of the deck and turned, so her head was facing the back of the ship. She got on all fours, arched her back and pointed her sopping wet pussy at him. Her tail lazily waved back and forth as she waited for him.
Now that he was facing this way he saw movement in the cabin. It appeared that Vale had been watching them. Mark was fine with that, and he figured Ahnix knew the whole time.
Well, the show must go on.
He slipped off his silk pants, got on his knees behind Ahnix's firm, round bottom and slid his cock slowly past her furry pussy lips. She let out a low moan as all of him gradually entered her. When his hips pressed against her ass, he held still, just motionlessly expanding her tight, warm pussy with thick, solid cock.
He reached around her side with one hand and started to play with her nipple as it hung down. As he did, so he rhythmically tightened his cock muscle, so it pressed against the wall of her pussy ever so slightly. He could tell he was driving her crazy. She wanted him to fuck her so bad that she started moving her ass back and forth, her pussy devouring his dick in big gulps.
He let her do the work for a while, tugging on her nipples until he felt she was getting closer to cumming again. He was getting close too, her hot little pussy was tight, and the wet friction on his shaft was maddening. It was time to try his new move.
He pulled away from her nipples and wrapped his arm around her slim waist and slid two fingers over her small clit, pinching it a little.
Then he focused half of his attention on taking control and firmly pounding her pussy with his cock and the other half on channeling both of his abilities right into her sensitive pink nub.
Ahnix had been rhythmically meeting his thick cock with her ass, but as soon as he kicked off his combo she froze, and her legs began to shake.
He put everything he could into her. He wanted to show her how much she meant to him. How strongly he felt for her. The wooden boards of the deck below them started to glow as his combination spell lit up her vagina with warm, intense energy.
Every muscle in her body tightened, and she threw her head back, making a noise that was probably intended as an uncontrollable wail of pleasure but only came out as a tight gurgle. It felt like her pussy was trying to strangle the life out of his cock, it was spasming so hard. She tried to look back over her shoulder, and he saw that her eyes were wider then he had ever seen them before. Her small mouth hung open, drool leaking out onto the deck.
He pummeled her like this for as long as he could, but her clenching pussy was too much for Mark to handle, and he shot a massive load deep inside her. He felt a huge rush of essence pass from him and into her. Ahnix's large black pupils rolled up into her heavy eyelids, and she let out a long sigh, finally able to breathe again.
After he had pumped the contents of his balls into her, he fell backward onto the deck, panting. Ahnix swayed for a moment and then fell to her side, still spasming. Mark let out a sigh and took in a deep breath of night air.
He noticed then that he still had essence left in him. A lot actually. It felt like half of what was there before. He was still learning to interpret these strange sensations, but he thought the extra essence was a good thing because he also would need to pour some power into his new Enthralled, Vale.
Then something clicked in his mind. When he enthralled Ahnix, he felt something open up inside him. Like a new place for her to live in within his soul. He thought it was just the feeling she needed from him and never thought of it again. Then, when he enthralled Vale in the wooden shack, he felt another similar space opening inside him.
Each of his girls must have their own, separate essence pools. It made sense when he thought about it. This way they would both grow evenly without having to put any work into rationing his power fairly between them.
Ahnix had stopped twitching, and her tail started to lazily flop back and forth on the deck.
He crawled over to his Desert Queen and looked down on her.
"You okay?"
She opened her large eyes, and her pupils took a moment to focus on him. The edges of her tiny mouth pulled up into the sweetest and only smile he had ever seen her make. She sat up, shakily leaning on one arm, her hand pressed against the wooden deck.
"I have never felt- I must have cum like a hundred times. Did you use all your abilities on my pussy while you were fucking me?"
"Maybe. Maybe my dick is just that epic."
"I didn't know you could... those abilities focused so..."
"Shhh now." He moved behind her to cradle her in his arms. "Make your word noises later, my Queen. I just want to hold you for a bit."
They laid out on the deck spooning under the stars as the boat gently rocked back and forth being pulled along by the massive river's current. After a short time, he whispered in one of her long pointed ears.
"I will never let you go."
Ahnix tightened her hand on his arm, "I know." They laid silent for a while longer and then she spoke again. "You know she was watching the whole time right?"
"Can I watch you fuck her?" Ahnix asked.
Mark just blinked a few times. That was the last thing he expected her to say.
"Sure. Actually, I think she'd like that."
She turned around in his arms to face him, her hard-to-read frown back in place. He was beginning to understand that the movement of her tail was the best indication of her mood. Right now it was limp, with just the tip twitching a little. He guessed she was happy and content.
"By the way, that huge burst of essence leveled all my stats. Damage, agility, critical chance, dodge... You're amazing. I can't express enough to you how much I love steering my own growth in power."
He smiled at her. Then a stray thought hit him- Steering. He sat bolt upright and looked around.
"Hey, shouldn't someone be steering the ship?"
- 8 -
When Mark looked out over the railing, it seemed like they were s
till more or less in the middle of the river, slowly drifting forward with the current. He got dressed and walked to the rear of the moderately sized vessel and saw that the rudder control was strapped to a rusty iron anchor, with a rope, keeping it straight. He supposed the slug people didn't want its back end moving around as it sat moored in the current, so securing it like this made sense. He'd probably need that anchor before long- that is if they wanted to stop the boat without running it aground.
He shrugged. No need to mess with it now. In the darkness beyond the river, he could see the jungle trees thinning out, but they still had a way to go. It took them over eight hours to walk here, and they would probably get back to the tiny village well before morning.
Once the tear had been healed the river water rushed forward and moved ahead of them quickly, like a dog let out into the yard after being cooped up all day. He wondered if the waters of the Vull had returned to the lands around Auxuma Village by now.
Mark stretched his tired muscles, and a fierce yawn forced its way out of him. Maybe he could sneak in a little nap before reaching their destination.
He grabbed some of Ahnix's wrappings that were blowing around on the deck of the ship. He didn't think enough of them remained to do the job, but he walked back around to the front (aft?) only to find her missing.
He headed the only place she could go and pushed open the door to the cabin. It was pitch black without the aid of the bright moon, but he could see a few benches and cabinets along the walls by the cool light, filtering in the windows.
There was a wide wooden stairway that led down into the hull, and a faint dancing firelight told him they had lit a candle to see down there. Mark headed down the stairs and heard their quiet whispers stop as he reached the bottom.
The hull of the riverboat was cramped but cozy. Support beams ran down the middle of the open space, and rope, fishing nets, barrels, and a few crates were stowed along the walls. The giant naga, Vale, was curled up against the curve of the hull and Ahnix was sitting on a barrel next to her, both were naked. The latter was using her claws to help get the knotted rope off of the former's nipple rings.